What's New in Version 15.8.00 to 15.8.06
Version 15.8.06

This enhancement facilitates the ability to include Hours Codes in some Leave Accruals, while excluding the same Hours Codes from other Leave Accruals. This is to cater for scenarios where some hours processed for an employee need to be included in the worked hours based leave accrual calculations for some leave types, while being excluded from the accrual calculations for other leave types.
Following display some examples of leave legislations which can be implemented by this feature:
The Victorian LSL legislation specifies any period of unpaid leave or unpaid parental leave up to 52 weeks leave will count towards service and accrue LSL.
The Victorian LSL legislation specifies any period of unpaid leave or unpaid parental leave up to 52 weeks leave will count towards service and accrue LSL.
NT leave legislations specifies absences taken for workers compensation does not count toward services, thus does not accrue Annual, LSL.
This feature improves Preceda's legislative compliance while providing flexibility to exclude Hours Codes from Leave Accruals. The Hour Codes are excluded from leave accruals via setting up an exclusion rule(s) linked to a corresponding Hours Type Code.
Exclusion rules can be set up by either specifying a Leave Classification or specifying Leave Classification & Leave Accrual Method. You can add as many exclusion rules as needed to an Hours Type Code.
If an exclusion rule consists of only a Leave Classification, system will exclude the Hours Type Code from all Leave Accrual Methods of the selected Leave Classification.
If an exclusion rule consists of both a Leave Classification and a Leave Accrual Method, system will exclude the Hours Type Code from the accrual on this specific Method.
In the Hours Type Codes screen, a new Exclusions button is added beside the Include Hours Worked in Leave Accrual check box. Note that it will only be enabled when the check box is ticked.
Clicking this button will open the Leave Calculation Exclusion Rules drilldown screen, which contains a browse list where exclusion rules can be set up. The drilldown screen allows you to add and delete exclusion rules related to the Hours Type Code. An exclusion rule can be configured as:
Leave Type - to exclude all Accrual Methods belongs to the selected leave classification
Leave Type and Accrual Method - to exclude a single Accrual Method
Note that only Leave Accrual Methods configured with Pro-rata Method = W (Actual Hours Worked) are applicable for exclusion rules.
A summary message, next to the Exclusions button, will also be displayed to indicate that exclusion rules exist for the Hours Type Code.

There are many Long Service Leave (LSL) Acts across all Australian States & Territories, as well as several Industry or Employer specific Acts & agreements covering LSL, which all have varied recommendations for how LSL is to be paid. The leave payment using an average number of hours per week is one of the most important components, significantly for casual employees and those who do not have fixed working hours. An employee's average hours calculated over the last 12 months, last 3 years, last 5 years or since commencement of the employment, are the main legislative averages required in the various Australian LSL legislations.
In addition, one of the 22 recommendations from the New Zealand Holidays Act Taskforce currently being reviewed in NZ Parliament, is to introduce a new requirement for Average Hours worked over the last 13 weeks to be used in the calculation of Annual Holiday payments for employees who do not have an employment agreement or set roster.
As per above leave legislations, employers are required to calculate payment for LSL taken using an employee's average hours. This enhancement introduces a new capability of calculating and storing the required Legislative Average Hours against employees in Preceda. This enables configuring and generating average worked hours for applicable employees as stipulated in leave legislations. This creates the foundation for future planned updates to enable leave payments using average hours.
The following list of enhancements and new capabilities have been added.
First Two Column Headings renamed; as now supporting two different Average Hours requirements
Added 9 new Legislative Average Hours types (code 1 to 9)
Added Suppress Update capability
Added 4 new read only informational fields
Added new capability of Average Hours Enquiry; to perform a calculation as at Today
Added new capability of reporting over Average Hours Summary Change History
Extended Tax Weeks field to support more decimal places
Average Hours Summary Drilldown Screen
Added support for 9 new Legislative Average Hours types
Added new read only informational fields
Extended Tax Weeks column to support more decimal places
Added support for 9 new Legislative Average Hours types
Added new Filter option to make viewing specific averages or date ranges easier
Extended Tax Weeks column to support more decimal places
Average Hours Selection Screen
Added support for 9 new Legislative Average Hours types
Change Y/N prompt list to Check boxes
Populate Average Hours Details process
Added support for 9 new Legislative Average Hours types
Calculate Average Hours process
Added support for 9 new Legislative Average Hours types
New Capabilities
New Average Hours Enquiry Drilldown Screen
New Average Hours Summary History Extractor
Average Hours Detail Mapper
Supports Add, Update, Delete operations
Furthermore, this feature provides the ability to maintain various legislative average hours independently from Leave Entitlements and Leave Accrual Methods, which eliminates existing limitations of the pre-existing average hour's functionality. Beside that Preceda continues to support the existing functionality for using Average Hours in Leave Accrual calculations prior to v15.8.06.
Following displays a summary of applicable State based LSL legislations for casual employees.
This enhancement is being delivered in two Phases, in which Phase 1 has been made available in v15.8.06 while we complete the Phase 2 updates scheduled a separate release later in 2023.
Phase 1 helps you to map all the relevant State, Territory or Industry legislative average hours to your employees in Preceda. This information can now be updated for employees in preparation for Phase 2 where these averages hours can be compared with each other and used in the calculation of LSL payments.
Following describes some detailed information of Phase 1 enhancements and new capabilities added to Preceda.
Average Hours Summary screen
The following updates were implemented for the Average Hours Summary screen:
First two column headings of the browse list have been renamed to Average Hours Type and Average Hours Rule.
A new list of Average Hours Types is introduced in Average Hours Summary drilldown screen which includes:
The default description of Legislative Average Hours can be changed to your own description via edit screen.
New columns are added/updated to the browse list of the Average Hours Summary main screen:
Tax Weeks Since Hire - This field has been extended to support three (3) decimal places.
Suppress Update - this is an editable field (checkbox) and is visible by default. If ticked, this provides the capability to suppress updating Average Work Hours, Hours Worked Since Hire, Tax Weeks Since Hire fields by the Calculate Average Hours, Close Payrun process etc. If this option is not selected (unticked), System will continue updating Average Hours Summary fields as normal.
Note: This feature recommended to select when onboarding new employees from other systems where new employee may not have adequate average hours detail records to calculate average work hours.
Last Updated Source - This field displays the last updated source of the Average Hours Summary record. Additionally, new capability has been introduced to record Average Hours Summary change history before updating the Average Hours Summary record.
Calculated Period From - This field displays the average hours Calculated From Date used by the calculation process to calculate Average Work Hours for the corresponding average hours summary record. This field value is only visible when Last Updated Source is CALC AVG Hours.
Calculated Period to - This field displays average hours Calculated To Date used by the calculation process to calculate Average Work Hours for the corresponding average hours summary record. This is not displayed by default and can be manually added via Columns.
Last Updated User - This field displays the name of the user who last updated the Average Hours Summary record.
New fields are added to the Average Hours Summary drilldown screen to match the columns available from the main screen.
A new capability, Average Hours Enquiry has been introduced to enhance the user experience. This feature helps to make an ad hoc enquiry of an employee Average Worked Hours for a selected average hours summary records. This screen can be accessed via the Average Hours Enquiry button from the Average Hours Summary main screen.
The Average Hours Enquiry screen will display Employee Details, Average Hours Rule calculation information and calculated Average Hours information as at current date.
Print Preview option can be used to print this information.
Note: Current version does not support enquiries for terminated employees, and an employee who does not yet have a Paid up to Date.
Average Hours Detail screen
The following updates were implemented for the Average Hours Detail screen:
The Populate Average Hour Detail process has been enhanced to support new legislative average hours in which Average Hours Detail records populated based on existing Earnings History records.
New Filter option has been added in the screen. There are two (2) filter options: Average Hours Type, and Period End Date.
A new list of Average Hours Types is introduced in Average Hours Detail screen drilldown screen which includes:
V - Annual Leave
L - Long Service Leave
S - Sick Leave
B-F - User Defined Type B to Type F
Average Hours Selection screen
In the Average Hours Selection screen, the field label Leave Classification has been renamed to Average Hours Type which includes Leave Classifications B-F, L, V, S, and the new Legislative Average Hours 1-9.
In addition, Y/N prompt lists are changed to check boxes.
Mapper and Extractor Updates
A new mapper, Average Hours Detail mapper (M000219), has been created to populate average hours detail records.
This helps Add, Update, Delete bulk records to Average Hours Detail records.
The Average Hours Summary History new extractor has also been added to Preceda. The Average Hours Summary change history records can be obtained via this extractor. This supports same list of fields as in Average Hours Summary Screen.

To eliminate the manual maintenance of BSB Codes in both Dayforce and Preceda, the Preceda Dayforce Integration process has been updated to auto create BSB Codes coming in via Employee Integration; as well as associate them with the corresponding employee.
When the BSB code already exists in Preceda, this code will be attached to the bank information of the employee hired from Dayforce.
When the BSB code does not exist in Preceda, it will be automatically created in the BSB Codes reference table, then attached to the bank information of the employee hired from Dayforce.

To support customers who wish to retain use of Preceda Time and only have the Time Away from Work or Leave processed in Dayforce, this enhancement provides an option for Preceda to stay as the source of truth for employee's Salary by using the newly added Position 3 in Preceda Variable *PP_DFI_STATUS.
Preceda Variable | Position 3 Options | Description |
1 (Default) |
2 |
3 |
Please note that for all the above options, the employee's Base Pay Rate will always come from Dayforce to Preceda during the Hire process; when calling new hire mappers (M999777, M999777NZ).

In the previous versions of the Dayforce to Preceda integration process, an employee's super contribution maintained in Dayforce did not flow through the integration to update this information against the employee in Preceda. Customers had to follow an additional manual business process to maintain an employee's super contribution information in Preceda.
To reduce business overheads in Preceda for customers with Dayforce Integration, the employee's Salary Sacrifice Super will now be included in the data synced from Dayforce to Preceda.

The Australian financial / tax year starts from 1 July and runs through to 30 June of the following year and it is common each year for there to be updates that need to be applied from 1 July for the new financial year to various indexed figures and tax withheld schedules.
For 2023-2024, most of the updates will be applied by an automated feature via the Tax Table Update Button on the Welcome Page of Preceda, while some updates will need to be applied manually by the customer.
The Tax Table Update Button will be available from Monday, 12 June 2023. Note that the Administrator and Security Officer must be set to Y, via the Define Users screen, for the User Profile(s) who will need to have this action available.
The updates to the Tax Table and Superannuation starting on July 1, 2023 are as follows:
The ETP Thresholds Cap increases to $235,000. There is no change to Whole of Income cap and this remains at $180,000 as it is a non-indexed figure.
The death benefit termination payment ETP cap increases to $235,000.
The Lump Sum D / Redundancy Threshold increases to $11,985 plus $5,994 for each completed year of service.
SGC / Superannuation Percentage increases to 11.0%. The superannuation guarantee legislation has already been set for super payments to increase 0.5% each year until reaching 12% in 2025.
SGC Maximum Contributions Base (MCB) increases to $62,270 per quarter.
The Concessional Super Cap will remain at $27,500, however this cap is not managed by payroll. This is an employee responsibility.
Please note that updates to Superannuation are not included in the automated feature via the Welcome Page's Tax Table Update Button. These updates will need to be handled manually. Please see below for links to Community Articles covering the steps required to perform this update:

70275, 70293
As some customers use the Collection Folder feature for Year End documents to integrate them with external HCM systems or document sharing applications, there is now an option to use either the Preceda ID Number or any Global Identifier available in User Fields screen (i.e., Global ID and Dayforce ID) for the document’s naming convention.
Customers will now be able to use the ID Number they are more familiar with when naming the documents. Note, however, that when no option is set, the Preceda ID Number will be used as a naming convention, by default.
This is applicable to the following documents which output to the Collection Folder:
Employee STP Summary documents
The naming convention for these documents is: <Employee ID>_STP_<STP Summary Number>_<Year End Month/Year>.pdf
The Employee ID option can be setup via Position 3 of Preceda Variable*PAYSUMMARY_COLLECT
Employee Share Scheme Statements
The naming convention for these documents is: <Employee ID>_<Process Run Month/Year>_<SRN/HIN>.pdf
The Employee ID option can be setup via Position 3 of Preceda Variable *EMPSHARE_COLLECT
The naming convention to be applied to the ZIP and PDF files is controlled by Preceda Variable setting *PAYSUMMARY_COLLECT, which can only be updated by the Support Team. Additionally, Preceda Variable setting *PAYSUMMARY_COLLECT has also been:
updated to retire the use of euHReka naming conventions
updated the setting for customers using Remove Leading Zeroes option
Preceda Variable | Position | Position Description | Options | Description |
*PAYSUMMARY_COLLECT | 1 | Payment Summary to Collection Folder/Naming Convention |
Blank or not Y |
This functionality is NOT enabled. |
Y | Generic Naming Convention applied to PDF files | |||
2 | Remove Leading Zeroes Flag |
Blank or not Y |
The Employee ID, as stored in Preceda, will remain as is and will be used in generating the file name. |
Y | All leading zeroes in the Employee ID will be removed. before being used in generating the file name. | |||
3 | Employee ID to use |
Blank or N |
Use the Preceda Employee ID (This is the default option) |
1 | Global ID 01 - Global ID to be applied to PDF files. | |||
2 | Global ID 02 - Global ID to be applied to PDF files. | |||
3 | Global ID 03 -Global ID to be applied to PDF files. | |||
4 | Global ID 04 - Global ID to be applied to PDF files. | |||
5 | Global ID 05 (Single Sign-on ID) - Global ID to be applied to PDF files. | |||
6 | Dayforce XRefCode - Dayforce ID to be applied to PDF files | |||
7 | Dayforce Employee Number - Dayforce ID to be applied to PDF files |

There is now an option to show the Hours Code YTD Amount on an employee's Pay Slip. The layout of the generated Pay Slip has been updated accordingly to provide room for the YTD amounts when selected to be displayed via the Hours Type Code screen.
In the Hours Type Code screen, a new tick box Show YTD on Pay Slip has been added. When ticked, all standard Preceda Pay Slips will display the YTD amount against the Hours Type Code; otherwise, it will not be displayed. Note that if the Hours Type Code is included in a Pay slip - Codes to Consolidate record, the display option of the Primary code will used, overriding the display option of all Hours Type codes being consolidated under the Primary code.
The new Show YTD on Pay Slip field has also been added to the corresponding Mapper (M000039) and to the following Extractor views:
Pay slip History
Pay slip Details
Hours Type Codes
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This new feature is an extension of the Idea: Option to show YTD Super on Pay Slips that has been posted on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.06. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |
Corrective Maintenance
The following Defects have now been addressed and resolved successfully.

The linking issues in Extractor when adding fields from the Additional Addresses section, such as the State/Region Description field, have now been corrected. The extracted report, with fields added from this section, will no longer be blank and will show the correct information.

The Tax Information screen now accepts Country Codes up to four (4) characters. Additionally, the corresponding field in Mappers for Tax Information (M0000313) and Hire/Hire with Bank Details are also updated accordingly.

The Long Service Leave (LSL) Summary Report now displays the correct value of Entitlement Hours and will deduct the Leave taken to derive the Hours Due as expected.

Entitlements will no longer be moved to pro rata too early when processing leave accruals using worked hours outside of a payrun. The displayed leave entitlements will now be correct.

When an employee's Leave Accrual Method is configured to use a fixed Entitlement Date, the rolling or clearing of leave entitlements now correctly takes place on this Entitlement Date instead of the employee’s Anniversary Date. The leaves are now correctly distributed as expected.

The Leave Liability Report process now completes successfully, even when an employee has an ESS Claims record. The report displays the correct values, and no error is encountered.

Leave Payouts after Company Transfer are now correctly displaying on the records of the original employee record.

In the Classification screen, the description of Personnel Group field will now display correctly regardless of the record having a value on Share Entered Group field.

The locking issue for scheduled jobs has now been fixed. The scheduled jobs are now delivered to the recipient on the correct date and time; thus, Report Manager Packages can now access their corresponding tasks correctly. Additionally, affected, and corrupted scheduled jobs have also been restored.

When the Recipient Details Mapper is imported, the ATO Compliant Verified date field will now be updated correctly.

The duplicate key issues have now been fixed so employee records will no longer be corrupted after running Master File Update for the employees that have been Terminated then Reinstated. Additionally, employee records that were affected and corrupted have been restored.

Employees will no longer be able to bypass the Allow/Deduct Code Filters via Claims screen in ESS. Only claims with an A/D Code made available to the employee will be successfully saved.

The File Created Time format for ABA File on the ACH Connect Header record is now correct. In the header, the time format displayed is now HH:MM:SS, including the leading zero on times prior to 10:00am.

When an employee applies for leave spanning multiple dates across different pay periods, and they reduced the hours away to a value which is lower than the hours for the first period, the Self Service Import is not able to correctly handle the split of the overridden hours to each period. The Leave Calendar feature was introduced to ensure the overridden hours are correctly associated with each date, but a number of customers have not enabled this feature.
To avoid scenarios like this from occurring for customers who have not enabled the Leave Calendar feature, employees will no longer be allowed to make amendments to the Hours Away field when an application spanning multiple dates is being requested. When Leave Calendar is OFF, the Hours Away field on the My Leave request will now be read only when the End Date is greater than the Start Date (ie the employee is taking multiple days of leave). If the employee wants to edit the number of hours defaulted from their Work Pattern/Base Hours, they will need to submit separate applications for each individual day.
Alternatively, the Leave Application Calendar feature can be enabled via the Self Service Options screen, which allows employees to submit applications for multiple dates, with overrides applied to the hours being applied for.

When the Process Email Pay Slips process is run to send postponed pay slips to employees, their Pay Slip will now display the correct details and values, including Retro when expected.

When using the Advanced Search in Time Module, the search results will now correctly display the employee's status based on the selected Status filter. The filter in Advanced Search now works as expected.
Version 15.8.05

Preceda has been enhanced to harmonise ESS - Projecting Leave Balances and Projected Leave Accrual Report with flexibility payments. Flexibility payment transactions are now being considered when projecting Leave Balances and generating the Projected Leave Accrual Report.
Projecting Leave Balances now refers to the Flexibility Payment Type for pending approved leaves (i.e. approved leave but not paid) so that the number of hours taken from the Flexibility Payment Type will be calculated and deducted from the projected Leave Balance.
Furthermore, the outstanding leave requests (i.e. submitted, approved) are now being referenced when calculating and displaying the projected Leave Balance on My Leave.
The Projected Leave Accrual Report now takes Flexibility Payment Type into consideration for pending approved leaves (i.e. Leave Requested, Approved, Imported to Payroll but not paid) when calculating the projected Leave Balance.
The Total Accrued, Total Requested, Imported to Payroll, and Balance after Deduction columns are printing in Hours in the Projected Accrual Report.
ESS - Projected Leave Balances are consistent and comparable with the Projected Leave Accrual Report balances.

To make leave liability calculations consistent and comparable across Preceda Leave reports, new configuration options have been introduced to align the date source for leave calculation used for the following reports:
Users are now provided the flexibility to select their preferred date source for calculating leave liabilities. They will have the option to choose either Today's rate or Rate as at Leave Entitlement's Date Accrued To via Program Control LVACC Position 30 or 31, depending on if they are configured with an Effective Dated Pay Rate or with a Non-Effective Pay Rate.
Name | Position | Options/ Value | Description |
Date Source for Calculating Leave Liabilities for Leave Reports for Effective Dated Pay Rates 30 | 30 |
T (or not A) (Default)
Use the current date or today's date when calculating employee's leave liabilities for the Leave reports |
A | Use the rate as at Date Accrued To when calculating employee's leave liabilities for the Leave reports | ||
Date Source for Calculating Leave Liabilities for Leave Reports for Non- Effective Dated Pay Rates |
31 |
T (or not A) (Default)
Use the current date or today's date when calculating employee's leave liabilities for the Leave reports |
A | Use the rate as at Date Accrued To when calculating employee's leave liabilities for the Leave reports |

For employees with the Import Leave To field on Design Templates screen set to Payroll, an additional level of (smart) filtering is now available for the Leave Reason field, based on the Leave Type selected. Once enabled the smart filter will ensure that the list of Leave Reasons displayed on My Leave screen are aligned with the STP Payment Type of the leave type they have selected. And when there is only one available Leave Reason, Preceda will automatically prefill the Leave Reason for them.
You may enable this feature via the newly added toggle control called Filter Leave Reason by STP Payment Type on Self Service Options screen, under the Leave Application Settings section.
When this toggle is off - which is the current behavior before this enhancement - the Leave Reason shall only be filtered by the Leave Reason Filter if configured and linked to the employee's Group Profile and Payroll Template.
(NEW) When this toggle is turned on, the Leave Reason on My Leave is further filtered by the STP Payment Type from the selected Leave Type / Hours Type Code.
To set the smart filtering of Leave Reason by STP Payment Type, ensure that the:
Design Template is attached to the Group Profile.
Group Profile is attached to the employee's user profile on the Define Users screen.
"Import Leave To" is set to Payroll.
On the Hours Type Code screen, set the STP Payment Type of the Leave Type you will configure in Leave Type Filter.
On the Leave Reason screen, set STP Payment Type you want for this Leave Reason to appear in the prompt.
Turn on the toggle switch Filter Leave Reason by STP Payment Type on Self Service Options screen.
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This new feature has been posted as Ideas on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.05. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

The End Job button has now been removed from the button group of Systems Jobs in Preceda Console. Having this button before has allowed users to end jobs untimely causing hard to fix data integrity issues. In case users feel stuck and really need to end a job, they will now need to contact the Preceda Support team, who will be able to assess the state of the job and end it in a controlled manner where possible.

72611, 72740
For a smoother cutover plan for Preceda Dayforce integration customers, new extractors are introduced to Preceda's Dayforce Data Loads to match Fresh Start Employee Data and Tax Information NZ templates in Dayforce Activate.
The new extractors will be available if Preceda variable *PP_DFI_STATUS = A. They will be available in the extractor under Dayforce Data Loads.
The Fresh Start Employee Data extractor, will extract the base details of employees, including all the versions and status. This will apply to both AU and NZ customers.
The Tax Information NZ extractor will allow easy reporting over Tax Code related information of employees in New Zealand. This view will only apply for NZ customers.

For easier and smoother data transfer for the Preceda-Dayforce integration, there is now a mechanism to sync the following latest employee information from Dayforce to Preceda:
Employee's Middle Name
Aboriginal Torres St Isl (for AU only)
State per employee's Primary Work Assignment
Make Bypass Surname/ Date of Birth Check upon new hire
This will be done through a microservice running in the background every night to retrieve the latest employee information. Such information is formatted into Mappers, uploaded automatically to Preceda SFTP, ready for immediate processing. If Preceda is in a state of allowing Integration to come in, Payroll Managers shall see incoming Mappers via the Inbound Integration screen.

To improve the default mapping and processing of data in a Workday PECI file in the Standard template Workday XML Transformation file, updates were implemented for the following areas:
Update default mapping of data for the below Preceda fields
Phone Numbers updated to map from <peci:Formatted_Phone_Number>
User Date 1 (Adjusted Service Date) mapped from <peci:Continuous_Service_Date>
Effective Start Date now mapped for Allow/Deduct updates from <peci:Compensation_Earnings_and_Deductions>
Improve the handling of Time Off data to better support multiple records for the same date.
The updates are applied to the mapping for Australia and New Zealand, for the two main PECI Event Types that are supported in Preceda's Workday integration:
HIR - New employee Hire event
DTA - Data change event; for existing employee
Note that this PECI file Transformation / mapping update has only been applied to the Template used for new Workday integration implementations. No changes have been made to existing customer Transformation configurations.

The Generating Record field has been added to the Payslip Hours extractor view. This new field allows you to use extractor to identify when the source of a transaction in the calculated results of the payrun was system generated. This is common in the scenario of a leave transaction, where the employee’s entitlements are insufficient to cover the period of leave, and an unpaid leave transaction is generated.
Until now this information has only been available on the TCHAD report, and after the payrun is closed via the Timecard Cost History extractor view.
Where a transaction has been system generated in this manner (i.e., system splitting leave between paid and leave without pay), this field value will display as G.

In the Allow/Deduct Codes screen, when the values selected for the Classification field is O and for the Year End Print flag (YEPF) field is 0, a new valid option, Task Allowances (AKN), will now be available for STP Payment Type field.

There is now an option to show the YTD Amount of Superannuation, and other allowances or deductions on the employee's Pay Slip. To accommodate this change, the layout of the generated Pay Slip has been updated to provide room for the YTD amounts when selected to be displayed via the Allow/Deduct Codes screen.
In the Allow/Deduct Codes screen, a new tick box Show YTD on Pay Slip has been added. When the field is ticked, the specific A/D Codes YTD amount will display on the Pay Slip, otherwise, it will not be displayed.
Note that if the A/D code has been configured on the Pay slip - Codes to Consolidate screen, the display option of the Primary A/D code will be referenced, overriding the YTD setting of any group item.
The new field has also been added to its corresponding Mapper (M000009) definition, and to the following extractor views:
Pay Slip History
Pay Slip Details
Allow/Deduct Codes
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This new feature has been posted as an Idea: Option to show YTD Super on Pay Slips on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.05. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

The Express Pay/Termination processes has been enhanced to record OTP tax messages. Upon completion of the Express Pay/Termination Processing and subsequent Payrun execution, OTP messages are imported to Payrun Messages. This feature provides greater visibility to OTP tax calculations performed in Express Pay and Termination transactions

To improve the efficiency in the on-going maintenance of Superannuation-related payments, and for the early detection of missed or incorrect Super payments (i.e. due to operational errors) and potential problems for Australian customers using SGC Rules processing and SGC OTE, a newly added option will now enable navigational improvement from Hours Type Codes and Allow/Deduct Codes screens to SGC OTE screen as well as the two new System Health Checks. This new option is available by setting Position 20 of Program Control PAY29 to 'Y'. Additionally, three new System Health Checks have also been added (i.e., regardless of PAY29) to highlight the potential high-risk settings related to Superannuation.
SGC OTE Information and Button on Hours Type Codes and Allow/Deduct Codes
Some SGC OTE information has been added to Hours Type Codes and Allow/Deduct Codes screens which is visible when Program Control PAY29 is set to Y. The label (i.e., Currently defined in X of Y SGC Rule/s) describes how many SGC Rules are defined where 'X' refers to the count of the Hours Code configured in SGC rules and 'Y' refers to the count of SGC rules currently defined. A SGC OTE button is also displayed when this option is enabled, which provides quick and easy access to the SGC OTE screen when these settings need to be reviewed or updated.
System Health Check
New items have been added on the System Health Check screen to validate the following items:
Under Hours Type Code Configuration section:
Check on Hours Type code(s) to identify if they have been defined in all SGC OTE records (only displayed when PAY29 Position 20 is set to Y).
Check on Hours Type code(s) with Include Super Gross not ticked when they are currently included in at least one SGC OTE record.
Under Allow/Deduct Code Configuration section:
Check on A/D code(s) which potentially qualify as OTE for Super Guarantee purposes to identify if they have been defined in all SGC OTE records (only displayed when PAY29 Position 20 is set to Y).
Check on A/D code(s) with Include Super Gross not ticked when they are currently included in at least one SGC OTE record.
Under Payment Details - Current Employees section:
Check on current employee(s) who have a Classification 'S' Allow/Deduct code with a rate stored at the employee level, which is less than the current effective rate on Allow/Deduct code itself.

To improve operational efficiency, especially for employers with large volume of underage workforces, in complying with the renewed tax legislative instrument for Australia in protecting low-income minors, a new option to automatically suppress withholding tax (PAYG) when employees meet the legislative criteria.
When Program Control PAY42, position 19 is set to Y:
This will enable automatic suppressing of withholding tax (PAYG) for employees who meet the following conditions:
Are under 18 at the time of payment
Have no TFN (Tax Code '4')
Earn less than/equal $350 per week
A new field Low-Income Minor Weekly Threshold field will be displayed on the Tax & Rounding screen where the weekly threshold can be maintained and be used in the Calculate Payrun Process.
For employees who have met the conditions and have their tax suppressed, a message will be output to the Payrun Message screen: "Tax suppressed because: Age is (A) at the Payment Date (dd/MM/yyyy); Tax Code is 4; and Weekly Gross (X) is less than (Y)".
A - refers to the age of the employee during payment date
dd/MM/yyyy - refers to the date when payment was made
X - refers to the weekly taxable gross
Y - refers to the weekly threshold amount
System Management

The layout of the Restore Library screen has been optimized to help users smoothly identify the appropriate option. Contrary to the previous confusing layout, which often caused user errors in need of assistance from support, the updated screen layout aims for a more structured view with accurate and clear information on the recommended actions before selecting the desired option, and where to obtain more information. These improvements will help both the users and the Preceda Support team.
Following are the changes applied to the screen's layout:
The Save Type field has now been changed to Restore Options field.
Beside the field, a user prompt will be displayed: Ensure you read the Knowledge Base prior to running this process.
The most common customer option of After Payrun is now selected by default.
The Reset setting field is now located under the After Payrun option.
Under the most common option, there is a new field tick box field, Other Restore Options.
Beside the field, a user prompt will be displayed: Contact Support prior to using any of the Other Restore Options
When ticked, the other restore options will display: Before Payrun, Miscellaneous Functions, and Non Payrun. Otherwise, these options are hidden by default.
Note that only one (1) option is allowed to be ticked at any time (i.e., when one of the other restore options is ticked, the After Payrun option will be unticked automatically). When the Other Restore Options is unticked, the three (3) options will be hidden again and the After Payrun option will be selected.
Corrective Maintenance
The following Defects have now been addressed and resolved successfully.

When a Company Transfer is performed for an employee, and the date of the transfer is prior to the date of one or more Earnings History records, Preceda creates a Rebank against the old version of the employee (previous company) and a Prepayment against the new version / company. This updates the YTDs for both versions of the employee to reflect the correct income, deductions, and tax for each company. Where the transfer also involves a change of Payrun Group, there was an issue with both the Rebank and Prepayments being created in the new Payrun Environment, resulting in the Rebank not being processed successfully. This has now been corrected to ensure that in this scenario the Prepayments will be created in the new environment and the Rebanks will be created in the old environment; while employees transferred without any change to Payrun Group will have the Prepayments and Rebanks created in the same payrun environment.

Terminated employee records will no longer be included in the report generated by the Calculate Leave Accruals process.

The Leave by Proxy Wizard's employee selection browse list now displays the correct result and employee details where page dropdown or next page arrow is used to navigate between pages.

The report produced by Leave Liability Extract will now include employees with their allotted Annual Leave information when the chosen Leave Classification is Annual.

The Leave Liability Report now correctly applies and calculates liability based on the related equivalent unit types when the option to Print Equivalent Values is selected. The report will now display the accurate equivalent values.

The Termination Date of the employee will now be properly displayed within the search results on screens in the Administration module.

No Runtime Prompt will now occur when running an extract if the Sub Report, which contains the runtime prompt, has already been deleted. The runtime prompt is now correctly removed from the extract.

Prepayments created from an Express Pay or Termination Wizard payment are protected at screen level to prevent them from being modified. It was, however, possible for Prepayments imported via Mapper M000595 to add new Hours or A/D records to these protected transactions. This has now been corrected to ensure that protected Prepayments can no longer be updated via Mapper.

Where a Report Manager package was scheduled to run on the last specific day of the month - for example last Wednesday of the month - the scheduler was adding one month to the run date before looking forward for the next required run date. In the example where the run date was on the 31st of a month and the following month had less than 31 days, this resulted in one month being missed in the schedule. The scheduling tool has now been updated to handle this correctly, to ensure that the reports are run and successfully distributed each month.

Some customers have reported issues with the next scheduled run of a Report Manager package not being set correctly when Daylight Savings starts or ends. Although we cannot simulate the changeover of Daylight Savings, and are therefore unable to fully test this scenario, we believe the that updates applied to the Report Manager scheduler in this release will resolve these reported issues. This should ensure that the scheduled time is maintained on the next run of the package after the Daylight Savings changeover. It is still however a recommendation to avoid scheduling any reports to be run between the hours of midnight and 3am.

When reading a Workday PECI file which included multiple Allowance_Plan segments for the same employee and Workday "Event" the transformation into Preceda Mapper imports for processing, was only outputting the last of these segments, overriding the earlier updates in the PECI file. This has now been corrected in the standard Workday transformation template, to ensure that this data is updated correctly for all new Workday implementations going forward. For existing customers who have reported this issue, we will now be able to apply this correction to the configuration of their database.

The Allow/Deduct Report will now display all Allow/Deduct records correctly even if more than 999 Allow/Deduct Codes exist in the database.

When the Recipient Details Mapper is imported, the ATO Compliant Verified date field will now be updated correctly.

When an Hours Code configured for Leave Without Pay (LWOP) was processed for an employee, and this code is to be included in the RDO calculation the resulting update to the employee's RDO accrual was incorrect. This has now been resolved to ensure that it will no longer cause an under accrual for RDO to affected employees.

The Costing Date in the General Ledger (G/L) Open Period file extract of the generated G/L Accrual transactions are now in the correct date format of YYMMDD.

The Single Touch Payroll (STP2) Report now correctly displays the information of the employee's respective version instead of the latest (Active) version for the following fields:
TFR No (Transfer Number
PS (Payment Summary)
IST (Income Stream Type)
Term Date

The generated G/L File will now reflect balancing Debit and Credit values even if Leave Movement is active and oncosts exists on leave transactions. The cost is now correctly calculated, and the total amount will be the same regardless of costing split.

During close Payrun, a Leave Classification that do not have an Entitlement record prior to processing the leave will now correctly generate a Leave Entitlement record. The values in the Leave Entitlement also accurately match the values in Leave History.

The employee counts are now debited in the correct payrun environment, even when users change between multiple payruns environments as the Close Payrun processes are running or queued.

The Payrun Dashboard will now load successfully even if more than 9999 messages are available from the Messages group box. Where more than 9999 records exist, the screen will successfully load the first 9999 messages, while this limitation does not apply to the download option on this screen, allowing all messages to be downloaded as expected without causing any error.

The Recipient Name and Reference Number will now be accurately displayed in the generated SuperStream Report according to Pay Period End Date.

The retro calculation for RDO with pay and RDO without pay is now correct. The retro values upon calculation are now accurate even when the RDO hours are split between paid and unpaid in the original pay.

Transactions imported in PAY34T format to Entry via Single screen are now flagged with the correct "Source of Change" information in the Timecard Cost History for databases with Preceda Time activated. This resolves a reported issue with retro calculations to ensure that accurate values are now reflected.

A message wait error will no longer be encountered when consecutive Off cycle payruns are executed in an irregular pay period. Also, this will no longer have a negative effect on the pay processing calculations of Superannuation.

The Study and Training Support Loans (STSL) will now be correct when calculating tax for an employee's OTP, based on the Supplementary Tax code setting of the employee. When Supplementary Tax code is B, the STSL will be calculated on the OTP, while when blank, it will not be calculated.

The Hours Worked displayed on the Time History Editor and Time Recording screens are now matched and correct.

The Pre-Post Times Report is now correct even when using a Start Date prior to the employee's Hire Date. All Time Entries that are only approved by Managers (i.e., no Employee approval yet) are now included in the Pre-Post time Report of Unapproved transactions as long as they are within the date range specified, regardless of whether the date range is before or after the Hire Date.
System Management

The Audit Log will now correctly record and update employee details for changes that are made to the Global ID fields.
Version 15.8.04

The Navigator Find Window via the Preceda main screen and the Dictionary Find Window via Extractor are both updated to display all Single Touch Payroll related search results when the keywords STP or Single are entered and searched. Note that keywords are not case sensitive. The Navigator Find Window can be accessed from the main screen by pressing Ctrl + Q.
While to access the Dictionary Find Window, go Tools > Extractor, then press Ctrl + Q.
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This new feature has been posted as an Idea: Renaming Single Touch Payroll on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.03. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

3355, 71270
When integration with Preceda is in place, employees in Preceda might be identified with different IDs in other systems, and those IDs are usually recorded in Global ID fields in Preceda. In this release, the Advanced Search, Payroll Register, and Payrun Messages have been updated to allow searching for employees by Global IDs and Dayforce IDs.
Advanced Search
Global IDs / Dayforce IDs are available in the Advanced Search feature for screens under the Administration, Time, and Payroll folders.
The additional fields can be visible in the search result area when the columns are ticked.
Payroll Register Options / Payroll Register report
More Global IDs / Dayforce IDs are available in the Payroll Register Options screen with initial value of Include in List unticked. When ticked to be included in the list, such fields will become available via Payroll Register Report (csv format) when the report is generated.
Payrun Messages
Global IDs / Dayforce IDs can be made visible via the Payrun Messages screen when the columns are ticked.
When clicked to download the Payrun Messages, the additional columns will be available in the csv file if any value.
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This new feature has been posted as a Ideas on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.03. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

Employee integration has been enhanced to sync employee's Tax Information in Dayforce to Preceda. This makes Dayforce the source of truth for employee's tax information. All maintenance of such information must happen in Dayforce. The updates will flow through to Preceda on a regular basis.

71436, 71291
Two new extractors, Work Pattern Data extractor and Employee Superannuation Data extractor, have been added. They will be available under the Dayforce Data Loads folder when Preceda Variable *PP_DFI_STATUS Position 1 = A.
Work Pattern Data extractor
This extractor will allow Preceda Implementation Consultants to easily extract employee's Work Pattern data from Preceda. The output can then be shared with Dayforce WFM Consultants to generate XML files and import into Dayforce.
Employee Superannuation Data extractor
This extractor will allow Preceda Implementation Consultants to easily extract employee's superannuation data from Preceda. The output can then be shared with Dayforce WFM Consultants to upload into Dayforce Activate.

For the Preceda and Dayforce Integration, customers will have the option to hire Dayforce employees in Preceda with their original Dayforce Employee Number.
A Program Control DAYFC is introduced:
Position | Description |
Position 14 <> Y (default) |
Must set Auto Generate ID Number = Y via Hire Rules screen. Employees from Dayforce will be hired in Preceda with auto-generated ID Numbers. |
Position 14 = Y |
Must set Auto Generate ID Number = Y via Hire Rules screen. Employees from Dayforce will be hired in Preceda with their Dayforce Employee Number. |

Employee integration has been enhanced to sync employee's Tax Information in Dayforce to Preceda. This makes Dayforce the source of truth for employee's tax information. All maintenance of such information must happen in Dayforce. The updates will flow through to Preceda on a regular basis.

71436, 71291
Two new extractors, Work Pattern Data extractor and Employee Superannuation Data extractor, have been added. They will be available under the Dayforce Data Loads folder when Preceda Variable *PP_DFI_STATUS Position 1 = A.
Work Pattern Data extractor
This extractor will allow Preceda Implementation Consultants to easily extract employee's Work Pattern data from Preceda. The output can then be shared with Dayforce WFM Consultants to generate XML files and import into Dayforce.
Employee Superannuation Data extractor
This extractor will allow Preceda Implementation Consultants to easily extract employee's superannuation data from Preceda. The output can then be shared with Dayforce WFM Consultants to upload into Dayforce Activate.

For the Preceda and Dayforce Integration, customers will have the option to hire Dayforce employees in Preceda with their original Dayforce Employee Number.
A Program Control DAYFC is introduced:
Position | Description |
Position 14 <> Y (default) |
Must set Auto Generate ID Number = Y via Hire Rules screen. Employees from Dayforce will be hired in Preceda with auto-generated ID Numbers. |
Position 14 = Y |
Must set Auto Generate ID Number = Y via Hire Rules screen. Employees from Dayforce will be hired in Preceda with their Dayforce Employee Number. |

Introducing the Dayforce Integration Readiness section, which will be available when Preceda Variable *PP_DFI_STATUS position 2 = Y, to the System Health Check screen. Cleaning up the exceptions reported here should align Preceda data with Dayforce validation rules better. It should assist Preceda Implementation Consultants with data preparation before Dayforce Initial Data Load.

When generating manifest files for clients who have integration with SuccessFactors, the leading zeroes in the Employees ID may now be configured to be truncated or retained via Preceda Variable *PAYSLIP_COLLECTPosition 2. Where *PAYSLIP_COLLECTPosition 1 = S (SuccessFactors):
Setting *PAYSLIP_COLLECT Position 2 to Y removes the leading zeroes in the Employee ID.
Leaving *PAYSLIP_COLLECT Position 2 blank, the leading zeroes of the Employee ID will be included in the manifest file.

Further improvements have been completed to provide an enhanced user experience with advanced options in flexibility in taking leave.
Hours Type Code
A new option - Accrue Leave on Actual Hours Paid - has been added to the Hours Type Code screen under Flexibility Payments section enabling you to accrue leave based on the actual hours paid.
An information icon is presented next to Accrue Leave on Actual Hours Paid option, which you can hover over to see some useful information to assist with selection of this option.
This option will be used to enable Preceda for accruing employee leave entitlements based on the actual hours paid for flexibility payment transactions, instead of accruing based on the hours the employee was on leave for. This is only applicable for leave accrual methods configured with pro-rata method Actual Hours Worked.
Enhance User Experience in Other Modules
Flexibility Payment Type has been added as an optional column to Express Pay Wizard and Retro Entry via Single Screen's Hours/Leave browselist as well as on Time Editor's Hours Worked/Leave Hours browselist. This column is hidden by default.
Express Pay Wizard and Retro Entry via Single Screen's
When a leave payment record entered with an Hours Type Code linked to a Flexibility Payment Type (i.e., Half Pay, Double Pay), additional information will be displayed related to flexibility payments.
Time Editor's Hours Worked/Leave Hours browselist
When a time entry record entered with an Hours Type Code link to a flexibility payment type, additional information will be displayed related to flexibility payments.
The Time Code Maintenance screen has been updated to display corresponding flexibility payment type (i.e., Half Pay, Double Pay) if the selected Hours Type Code is configured with a Flexibility Payment Type.
Leave By Proxy
The Leave Application and Confirm Application Details screens of Leave By Proxy Wizard have been updated to display Flexibility Payment Type details if the selected Hours Type Code is configured with a Flexibility Payment Type. An information icon is presented next to the flexibility payment description in
which the manager can hover over to see some useful information to assist with the leave submission.
Preceda Mobile
Preceda Mobile Application has now been enhanced and made compatible with the Flexibility Payment functionality.
When an employee selects an Hours Type Code configured with a Flexibility Payment Type, an acknowledgement message will be displayed in the My Leave message panel to assist with the leave application (i.e., Leave at Double Pay reduces Entitlement by Double the Hours away. Please enter full length of absence into Hours/Days away).
Likewise, the Review Leave screen will display an acknowledgement message in the Review Leave message panel to assist with the leave approval (i.e., Leave at Double Pay reduces Entitlement by Double the Hours away. Please ensure Hours/Days away matches full length of absence).
Flexibility payment type rules will be applied to calculate leave balances for flexibility leave applications. A Leave Balance warning (i.e., Warning: Applied Leave Exceeds the Available Balance) will be still displayed when the leave balance is insufficient for the leave application based on the relevant Flexibility Payment Type.
Mapper and Extractors
The following Mappers have been updated to support adding or changing of records for Hours Codes using a Flexibility Payment Type:
Hours Type Code (M000039) - new fields added
Leave History (M000236) - no change to file layout
Timecard Cost History (M000234TCH) - no change to file layout
The following Extractors have been updated with additional fields to support Flexibility Payment Types:
Hours Type Codes
Time Card Entry
Retro Entry via Single Screen

When Program ControlPAY42 Position 23 = Y, the handling of multiple bonuses and commissions within the same financial year has been improved to provide a better tax position for employees who receive frequent payments of bonuses and commissions throughout the year. A new option E has been added to Position 24 of Program ControlPAY42 enabling the deduction of the current Year to Date (YTD) OTP Amount from Weekly average earnings.
Name | Position | Option | Default | Description |
Deduct Year to Date OTP Amount from Weekly average earnings | 24 | E | Deduct YTD OTP Amount from Weekly average earnings. | |
blank |
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Do not deduct YTD OTP Amount from Weekly average earnings. |

Restore Library is a complex process and can result in Message Wait issues when customers try to restore from backup of an older version of Preceda. This happens due the difference in file structure between a backup of prior release and the current version. This enhancement improves the robustness of Restore Library by preventing Message Wait issues from happening and redirecting customers to Preceda Support to get assistance in restoration when there are structural differences detected in the backed-up files.

To fully support all Income Stream Types available from the ATO reporting for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2, two new Income Stream Types: IAA and CHP have been added to STP 2 activated environments.
Income Stream Type IAA (Inbound Assignees to Australia) is available when the Payment Summary Type is I (Individual Non-Business). At the same time, Home Country becomes a mandatory field.
Income Stream Type CHP (Closely Held Payees) is available when the Payment Summary Type is I (Individual Non-Business.
The System Health Check screen has been updated to include the validation of Income Stream Type IAA and Home Country under STP Phase 2 Mapping.
Corrective Maintenance
The following Defects have now been addressed and resolved successfully.

The annual gross is now calculated accurately and is displayed in the LSL Report Extract correctly even when using different Base Hours or an hourly rate of greater than 100.

The generated Absenteeism Report will now correctly handle employees with multiple versions (e.g., employee that has been transferred or reinstated). The report will display these employees accordingly based on the Report Selection set.

The Extractor view over Auto Calculated Rates History records has been corrected to include the required link to the employee's ID Number from Administration > Basic Data > ID Number. This now enables reporting over the history of updates to Average Rates for employees.

61842, 62206, 64577, 69949
The Calculate Leave Accrual process was producing some incorrect results in some scenarios when there was a change to an employee's Base Hours. The following issues were occurring with certain Leave Accrual Methods:
Base Hours change on the first day of new accrual period was not identified, and accrual for whole period was calculated using previous Base Hours value
Base Hours change dated within the new accrual period was not identified, and accrual for whole period was calculated using previous Base Hours value
Leave Entitlements stored in Days or Weeks were being recalculated incorrectly when there was a Base Hours change in the new accrual period
Maximum to Accrue exceeded in some scenarios when a Base Hours change was in the new accrual period
All these issues with the Calculate Leave Accruals process have now been resolved to ensure the results are correct when employees change Base Hours.

When multiple records were entered into a Prepayment for the same hours code, they were being consolidated into a single record when written to the employee's Leave History. This has been corrected to ensure that each leave entry from a Prepayment is written to Leave History as separate records.

The Long Service Leave (LSL) balance no longer gets duplicated to other new leave entitlements when a Position changed is processed, and the new Position includes Defaults to add additional leave classifications to the employee.

Mappers M000222E and M001428 used to change an employee's Position will no longer end Salary Packages when they have successfully updated the employee's Position information. These Mappers are now working as expected.

The correct value of Remaining Balance for leave entitlements will now display accordingly based on the Unit Type (e.g., Days, Hours) selected in Self Service Options, when an employee selects to project the balance to a later date.

62379, 71290
The system will now retain the original information, including the attachments (e.g., Medical Certificate), from the employee leave application submission regardless if leave is paid or converted to unpaid. The Leave History screen will now display the correct leave history information including the attached document.

Costing Levels that are set to mandatory are now working as expected on screen and via Mapper. Field Numbers when set to mandatory (i.e., User Mandatory = Y), will require a value to proceed. When leaving these user mandatory costing fields blank in the Hire Wizard, an error message will display and the wizard will not proceed unless the mandatory fields are populated. Likewise Hire Mappers will reject records that do not include the costing levels that have been set as User Mandatory.

When applying for leave with Leave Type - Other (e.g., Jury Duty) that is not associated with any leave entitlement, the leave balance warning message will no longer appear.

The Breakdown of Hours Paid section now correctly displays all the needed information when the Print Preview button is clicked from the Time History Editor screen.
Organisational Management

The Occupants Report was not completing successfully for many customers after the upgrade to 15.8.03. This issue has now been corrected to ensure that the report is generated as expected.

71988, 72091
The improvement to Maintenance History information introduced in 15.8.03 resulted in the Calculate Payrun process failing for some customers. This issue has been resolved to ensure that these processes will complete successfully.

When bank split deduction (i.e., A/D Classification K) is processed with a Contract Amount and Partial Deduction ticked, the deduction for the employee is now processed correctly without any overpayment of the contract amount.

Moving the cursor between fields using the Tab key was not functioning correctly in Entry via Single Screen (EvSS) after the upgrade to 15.8.03. This has been resolved to ensure that the Tab key successfully navigates from the Hours Type code field to the next field in the browselist.

When Close Payrun process is run, Payrun Groups that are integrated to Dayforce will have their Earnings Statement generated correctly and successfully.

Extractor files created during the payrun will now populate correctly if employee is terminated via Termination Wizard. The extracted results will also be consistent to what is displayed in Entry via Single Screen (EvSS) and Termination Wizard screen in Preceda.

69883, 67064
You can now successfully run the Time Card Print process without any message wait (i.e. an error that required assistance from the Support Team to resolve) when performing a Salary Code override on Entry via Single Screen using a Salary Code which has a high hourly rate in any of the Pay Rate positions that is not Pay Rate 1.

There is no longer an unexpected error message occurring on Time Editor when going back in Pay Periods even after deleting Retro Clocking entries.
System Management

The Maintenance History Drilldown original change information will no longer be populated by the system when original change information did not exist. It will also no longer trigger updates on old maintenance history records, so the Change Dates, Time, and user on old records is retained.

The Links screen will now correctly populate and display all available records when searching for any link with lengthy characters as URL or Name.
Version 15.8.03

With the new provision in Western Australia's Long Service Leave Act in 2022, improvements to Preceda have been made to maintain legislative compliance and provide seamless user experience. While the legislation is for WA, this enhancement has been made available to all states/territories in Australia.
Flexible Payment Types - Half Pay, Double Pay - are now available for all Leave Types such as Long Service Leave (LSL), Annual Leave, Personal Leave, and Other Leave (i.e. Parental Leave). As the leave payment process can be initiated from multiple paths, several changes have been made to the following areas:
Hours Type Code
An optional field Flexibility Payment Type has been added on Hours Type Codes screen with prompt list options: Half Pay, and Double Pay. By default, this field is blank. Leaving this field blank sets the Flexibility Payment Type to Normal Pay.
Note that only one Flexibility Payment Type can be selected for an Hours Type Code. When the Flexibility Payment Type has been modified, an Acknowledgement Message will pop up to confirm the changes before saving the new record. The flexibility payment type configuration is only applicable for the Classifications L, S, O, V. The Flexibility Payment Type prompt list is disabled for other Classifications.
My Leave
Employees can use the My Leave (ESS) portal to submit flexibility leave applications, similar to how they would submit requests for normal leave transactions (i.e. upon set up of Flexibility Hours Type Codes and Payroll Leave Type Filters with the new flexibility payment Hours Codes).
Additional information for flexibility leave applications is displayed when an employee selects a Leave Type linked to a Flexibility Leave Type. Likewise, an information icon is presented next to the Flexibility Payment Type label, which employees can hover over to see some useful information to assist with applying for the leave type correctly.
Preceda performs leave entitlement availability calculations based on applicable Flexibility Payment Type linked to the selected Leave Type. If the Leave Balance is insufficient based on the Flexibility Payment Type against the selected Leave Type, a warning is presented accordingly.
Review Leave Application
For Managers who review employee leave application requests via Manager Self Service (MSS), an optional column for Flexibility Payment Type has been added to the Review Leave Applications browselist. This helps in quickly identifying any applications for leave related to a Flexibility Payment option.
When Managers drills down on a Leave Application to review it, some additional information is displayed alongside the selected Leave Type if it is related to a Flexibility Payment Leave Application. An information icon is presented next to the Flexibility Payment Type label, which the manager can hover over to see some useful information to assist in making decision on approving the leave request.
Entry via Single Screen
A new read-only column Flexibility Payment Type has been added to the Entry via Single Screen's Hours/Leave browselist to display the respective Flexibility Payment Type of the selected Hours Type Code. When a leave-based Hours Type Code has been selected, the corresponding Flexibility Payment Type is automatically displayed in the browselist as a read-only column. The selection of any non-leave based Hours Types Code will display blank.
An information icon is displayed next to the Flexibility Payment Type description in this column, which you can hover over to see additional information related to this transaction. This screen also displays additional acknowledgment messages when saving records if any flexibility payment transactions are saved on EvSS. This message helps keeping payroll officer informed that flexibility payment transactions are saved on EvSS.
An optional column for Flexibility Payment Type (i.e. hidden by default) has been added to the Pay Enquiry's browselist. In addition, leave payment calculation for corresponding flexibility payments types are also displayed on this screen.
Payrun Messages
After the Time Card Print process has been run as part of the payrun, Payroll Officers may review the Payrun Messages to verify any respective Flexibility Payment transactions which have been processed by the payrun. This is an optional step helping to identify if any unexpected Flexibility Payment transactions exist, allowing for the Payroll Officer to Reset the payrun and deal with the corresponding transactions as required.
This information is included in the Count shown in the Messages section of the Payrun Dashboard screen within the Leave Group under the column for Low rated informational messages.
Leave History
The Flexibility Payment Type is also available on the Leave History's browselist on the main screen as an optional column. This field is only applicable for Classifications L, S, O, V. Otherwise, this is read-only.
To assist with reviewing Leave History records for flexibility payment leave transactions, two additional fields have been added on the Leave History drilldown screen: Flexibility Equiv Units Taken and Flexibility Equiv Hours/Weeks Taken. These fields reflect the amount of leave deducted from the employee's entitlements as calculated based on the Flexibility Payment Option used.
Pay Slip
The standard Preceda pay slip now includes a message in the Notes section if there are leave payments with flexibility payment transactions. This message will explain the adjustments made to their Leave Entitlements and Pay Rate due to the Half/Double Pay option used. The pay slip also shows the applicable leave payment rate based on the Flexibility Payment Type, and the Leave Balances based on the selected Flexibility Payment. The Notes at the bottom of the pay slip will be displayed containing the Leave Type, Hours Type Code, and Leave Period.
Reporting via Extractor
Flexibility Payment information has been added to the following Extractor views to assist with any reporting requirements related to this functionality:
Extractor Navigator Location |
Extractor Fields |
Administration > Leave > Leave History |
Flexibility Payment Type Flexibility Equiv Units Take Requested Flexibility Time Off (Days) |
Administration > Earnings > Timecard Cost History |
Flexibility Payment Type Flexibility Hours |
Payroll > Reports > Payrun Extract > Payslip Hours |
Flexibility Payment Type Flexibility Hours Flexibility Days |
Payroll > Reference > Calculation Rules > Hours Type Codes | Flexibility Payment Type |
When the flexibility payment entry exceeds the available leave balance (i.e. for Normal Pay, Half Pay and Double Pay), the system will automatically apply Unpaid Leave entry.
The flexibility payment Hours Type Codes are excluded from being used in the employee Termination Wizard to avoid potential complications in the termination process. Therefore, restrictions have been put in place to ensure that you cannot select or enter flexibility payment Hours Type Codes in express payments - termination wizard entry browse
For more information, you may refer to the Flyer and User Guide made available on the V15.8.03 Release Centre > Highlights section in Preceda Community.
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This new feature has been posted as an Idea: Leave at half pay on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.03. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

The calculation of Leave Accruals based on Worked Hours and the rolling forward of the Date Accrued To on the employee's Leave Entitlement records has only been performed when some Hours Codes configured to be included in the Hours Worked for Leave Accrual are processed in the payrun. In most scenarios where employees receive pay slips that do not include any Hours Codes with this configuration, their Leave Entitlement records remain unchanged with no updates to the entitlements or the Date Accrued To.
Although this may be acceptable to many customers, we were informed that it is not always desirable to leave the Date Accrued To unchanged, particularly when Leave Entitlements are integrated with external T&A or HCM systems which project leave entitlements if the Date Accrued To is in the past.
For customers who are happy with the current behaviour of not moving the Date Accrued To forward unless the employee is paid some Hours that affect the Leave Accrual, there is no need to make any changes. If there is a preference to have the Date Accrued To moved forward when the Leave Accruals are calculated over a period where the employee receives a pay slip, regardless of the paid amount or whether pay slip contains hours that have been configured as 'Include Worked Hours in Leave Accruals', a new Program Control option has been introduced. To update your Preceda database to the new behaviour in this scenario, you can update Position 29 of Program Control LVACC to 'Y'.
Name | Position | Option |
Description |
Leave Accruals on Worked Hours when pay slip has no Hours set to be included in the Accrual | 29 | Y |
Update the Date Accrued To of Leave Entitlements based on Worked Hours whenever the employee receives a pay slip, even when it only includes Allowances or Hours which are not configured to increase the leave accrual. |
N (Default) |
Do not update the Date Accrued To of Leave Entitlements based on Worked Hours unless the employee receives a pay slip containing some Hours configured to be included in the leave accrual calculation. |

Any information changes linked with a future effective date are not immediately reflected in the Employee Maintenance History screen but is updated during midnight by a maintenance program, Active Record Rollover.
During the maintenance program execution, system overrides changed user information by the system user by "PRECEDA" and user change date and time overridden by rollover date and time which distorts original change user information. This has raised confusion among business users.
To avoid such confusion and enhance user experience, the Employee Maintenance History screen has been updated to have new fields to display the Original Changed User information (left information panel) for future effective dated and non-effective dated transactions. These fields will show the original change username, date, and time to which the data was changed prior to the run of the latest Active Record Rollover. The change made by the maintenance program will still be displayed in the screen.
For history transactions, system will populate original user information on the fly when business user opens the maintenance screen drilldown page.
![]() |
This new feature has been posted as Ideas Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.03.
To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

The Global Logon messages have been improved ensuring that the correct error message is displayed based on invalid attempt/s of the user.
For any invalid attempts prior to the 2nd last and last attempt: "Access denied - the information you have entered is incorrect. Please try again".
For the attempt prior to the last retry (number of retries limit is set per database): "Warning: Next invalid login attempt will lock the account".
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This new feature has been posted as an Idea: Looping in attempt message misleading on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.03. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

As mentioned in a recent Customer Forum, your current investment with Preceda is protected, as Preceda will continue to be developed and enhanced. At the same time, you would have the chance to extend to Dayforce for additional business capabilities (e.g. innovative HCM, Workforce Management, advanced HR Analytics, as well as a harmonized employee experience).
We are happy to update you the integration development in progress. Items added to / updated in Preceda in V15.8.03 are:
Dayforce Configuration Mapper (M001820)
Dayforce Configuration Extractor
Dayforce File Submission Extractor
Dayforce Configuration screen
Dayforce File Submission screen
If you are interested in learning more about this integration for your organisation, please reach out to your Account Executive.

To assist customers who are establishing an automated host to host file transfer for Australian ABA bank files through HSBCnet, a new option has been introduced for the ABA file to include the required ACH_Connect Header record.
This new header record will be included at the top of the ABA file when the Bank File Format on Company Bank Details screen is set to ABA and the ABA Format is set to ACH Connect. Please see the Company Bank Details screen Knowledge Base page for guidance on populating the Additional Bank File Information fields when using the new ACH_Connect option.
To support this new option, the Company Bank Details screen has been updated with:
(All Countries) New fields under Additional Bank File Information group box - Additional Details 4 and Authorisation Type.
These new fields have been added to Company Bank Details Extractor.
As ABA Format C - ACH Connect is not yet supported for ATO PAYG processing, a new validation is placed when saving records on the ATO PAYG Account Details screen. An error message will be displayed when saving with a value of C against the ABA Format field.

Preceda now supports the download and email of multiple Pay Slips as well as the capability to email Pay Slips to multiple recipients in one go. The Earning History screen and ESS Pay Slip screen have been updated.
There are three possible actions that can now be done to the Pay Slips via the Earning History screen and ESS Pay Slip screen - View, Download, and Email. A new checkbox Select All (X) Pay Slip(s) is available to allow selecting all Pay Slips from the browselist. To shortlist the Pay Slips to be downloaded or emailed, you may want to utilize the Filter icon to specify the selection criteria, or simply hold Ctrl or Shift while you click the mouse.
View Pay Slips
The View button ( ) will be enabled when some Pay Slips are selected from the browselist and the Select All (X) Pay Slip(s) checkbox is unticked. Clicking the button will open the Pay Slips in PDF format, each in separate tabs.
Download Pay Slips
The Download button ( ) will be enabled when either some Pay Slips are selected from the browselist or the Select All (X) Pay Slip(s) checkbox is ticked. When only one pay slip is selected, clicking the button will also only download one PDF file, while when multiple pay slips are selected, a zip file containing all the pay slips in PDF will be downloaded.
Email Pay Slips
The Email button ( ) will be enabled when either some Pay Slips are selected from the browselist or the Select All (X) Pay Slip(s) checkbox is ticked. When the button is clicked, the Email Pay Slip drilldown will open to allow more than one (1) email addresses to be provided.
Encryption to emailed Pay Slips has not been changed. If encryption is turned on in the database, the recipients of emailed Pay Slips would continue to need password to decrypt each Pay Slip PDF. It is thus recommended that users to download Pay Slips and enclose them into an email, if they wish to send them to entrusted third parties.
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This new feature has been posted as Ideas Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.03. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

70820, 70821
To comply with ATO latest directives, the option Share Scheme Type - P (ESS interest acquired pre-1 July 2009) has been re-enabled for Scheme Type field via the Employee Share Scheme Statement History screen drilldown.
When Type P is selected all ATO fields will be disabled with zero (0) as value, except for the Number of ESS - Taxing Point where the user can input their desired value.
Additionally, when the Type P is selected and the Financial Year input value is 2019 and before, the Discount on ESS Interests field will be enabled where the user can input their desired value. For Financial Year 2020 and after, the field will be disabled with zero (0) as value.
Note that these changes are applied to the mapper accordingly.

The amount reported under Allow/Deduct Classification N or S and Year End Print Flag 0 can now be excluded from STP 2 Reporting. As such, A/D Codes with Classification N or S, Year End Print Flag 0 and with STP Payment Type Excluded from STP Reporting will not be displayed in the STP Report and XML File. Likewise, no amount will be added or deducted in the employer and/or employee's gross.
System Management
Corrective Maintenance
The following Defects have now been addressed and resolved successfully.

The Allowances/Deduction field of the Standard Allowance/Deductions item on the Initiate Employment Conditions Change screen is now displaying all available A/D Codes.

Dates (other than Hire Date) can now be successfully updated via Significant Dates screen even when Payrun is in progress for employees with multiple versions.

Hours Type Code of Classification = R or RDO is now handled correctly whether entered via Entry via Single Screen or imported via Mapper M000471.

The Security Profile is now working consistently for both external and non-external personnel.

The Other Payment extractor will now generate results correctly whether Earnd Activation Status and/or Earnd Activation Status Desc are selected.

Multiple company transfers on the same day via Mapper M001428 now handles the Termination Date correctly. You can now successfully perform multiple transfers via Mapper M001428 where the Termination Date no longer comes before the Transfer Date, and if there is no Transfer Date, the Termination Date is not set earlier than the Hire Date.

Mapper M000051 no longer rejects the import of a Step From Salary or Step To Salary code value that is greater than four (4) characters in length as it now successfully accepts Step From Salary or Step To Salary values of up to 10 characters.

The Distribute Spoolfile on Preceda Console now correctly displays all the Output Files. Likewise, the Add Filter button is now enabled and the Distribution button is working properly for imported and saved distribution definition.
To all impacted customers:
Kindly follow below steps and check if the issue has been fixed on your end:
Go to Console > Spoofiles, then select the File you want to distribute.
Click Distribute to open the Distribute Spoolfile window.
Click Tools > Export Distribution Definition to get the current distribution list that is corrupted, then save it somewhere.
Click Tools > Import Distribution Definition and select the file that has been saved just now.
Click OK to the message: Imported package file contains duplicate in FNAME property of filter file. It has now been fixed and should be saved to keep it permanently.
Check if it fixes the issues.
To save the auto-fixed distribution list and replace the corrupted one, you may further:
Click Save As.
Select the original Distribution Name.
Click OK.

Bank Details Mapper M000656 will now correctly update Net Bank file when delete action (Action = D) is used to end a Bank Split early.

The Payrun Message screen has now been fixed so that no error will be encountered when there are more than 9,999 records available.

The user session will no longer be affected when searching on Organization > Position > Associate groups/ Certifications with Position screen.

Pay Enquiry for each Pay Separator on Entry via Single Screen now displays the correct description for A/D TAX/ADJ. The description of A/D Code added on a standard pay slip is no longer being copied over to the additional pay separator's A/D Code description.

The Express Pay Report will now show the correct Company Totals per Cost Level 1 when Express Pay transactions with zero (0) dollars to the Net Bank account exist.

The processing of Costing Splits has been fixed and will be applied as expected for transactions generated by Express Payment.

EFT Group deductions will now correctly and consistently display in Bank Credit reports (PAY65, PAY68) and PAY64 report.

The EFT Processing Report - EFT Consolidated Negative/ Zero Amounts is now showing the correct employee details.

The Employer Level 2 description reported and displayed in the STP Report (PRP528PRT) is now correct. The records displayed in the STP Report are valid descriptions for both the Employer and Employee.

The PAYG Report is now properly filtering by Bank Account. You can now select Bank Account options on the PAYG Tax Report where Program Control PR423 Position 19 is set to A.

No error message will now appear after running Retro Pay when more than 100 messages exist per one employee. Payrun calculations will now successfully proceed as expected.

Retro is now correctly calculating where retro over termination payment includes overtime.

By default, the SuperStream control program that generates the SAFF file always sets the Annual Salary for Insurance amount to zero when the position 15 is blank. However, the SAFF File was rejected because the clearing house does not accept zero (0) value on Annual Salary Insurance field.
This has been fixed and the program control SuperStream (SPST) has been updated:
When position 15 is blank, Annual Salary for Insurance field shall be blank.
A new option Z is introduced to position 15 and if set, Annual Salary for Insurance field shall be zero (0).

Employer Level 1 and Level 2 descriptions with special characters, entered via Employer Information screen, can now be reported through STP. Any invalid character value written in the STP xml file will now be parsed and be replaced with a space so that submission to ATO will not fail.

The STP Amendment for any employee is now successfully processed as the Cessation Type is now populated in the STP XML file. Amendments to a terminated employee can now be reported correctly through STP.

For employees on child support deductions with fluctuating earnings, the Protected Earnings (PEA) is often configured to protect employees' Net income from child support deductions, the child support deduction amount for the employee is either reduced or dropped accordingly.
Under STP2, when this happens, even though the employee's child support deduction amounts (after PEA, where applicable) are reported correctly to ATO, the period total amount of child support deduction which can be seen on Child Support Deduction field under Employer Details section on Single Touch Payroll Submission screen captures the total amount calculated using the employees' child support amount before PEA thus, subsequently causes difference between the period total amount and sum of reported employees' child support deduction amount.
Preceda Product management team has been communicating with ATO about this issue. ATO is aware that this issue is addressed in this release and there is no action required by clients. ATO will subsequently inform Services Australia to confirm and continue monitoring from their-end.
For more information on child support deductions and garnishee, please refer to the community portal's article: PREC - STP 2 Reporting of Child Support Deduction, Child Support Garnishees and Protected Earnings.

Leave entitlements are now correctly updating for a terminated employee whose termination process was executed via the Express Payments - Termination wizard and passed to the Time Card Entry. Additionally, the employee's Leave History will now reflect correct values upon closing the corresponding Payrun.

The Contract Paid Amount is now getting cleared (i.e. set to zero) when saving a new package or inserting a current A/D record which Effective Date is after Paid Up to Date.
Version 15.8.02

The Calculate Leave Accrual process has been enhanced to accrue leave for Work Hours-based payments made in off-cycle payruns. This update identifies and processes all employees who are paid based on Worked Hours and paid through an Off Cycle Payrun, regardless if leave accruals have already been completed for the same period end date in the previous Payrun (i.e. calculate leave accruals for all payment made in off-cycle Payrun).
To improve the accuracy of leave accrual process, the system has been changed from using Earning History files (PEPWAD, PEPWEH) to the Timecard Cost History file (TCOSTH) as a source of information for Work Hours base Leave Accruals.

A hover over comment feature has been added to the Review Leave Application. This enables Managers to quickly review leave comments on the leave browselist without needing to drill down on the details screen. This hover over comment feature increases the overall user experience and awareness of valuable information for manager approval, thus supports rapid decision-making.
The comment icon is available on the Review Leave Application screen if a comment exists in the leave request. If there is no comment for a leave request, the icon on the screen is hidden. Hovering over this icon on the browselist will display the actual comment of the leave request (i.e. to show up to 252 characters).

To assist with the integration between Preceda and Dayforce or other HCM systems, a new Mapper Definition M000317A has been created to support adding new Superannuation information to employees without the need to send the Preceda Recipient Code. This Mapper includes Super Fund information fields which can be used instead of Preceda specific Recipient Code.
This new Mapper Definition M000317A caters for the:
Look up of the required Preceda Recipient Code (Super Fund) using USI/ABN from the import file;
Where an existing Recipient is found matching the Super Fund information provided, this Recipient is applied to the employee Superannuation record.
Where no Recipient is found with matching information, a new Preceda Recipient Code is automatically created using the Super Fund information provided, with the new Recipient then applied to the employee Superannuation record.
Employer contributions using standard % based A/D records, or employer contributions calculated using SGC Rules;
If the Mapper record includes an A/D code, the update will add this to the employee's Allow/Deduct screen including the Recipient Code and the employee's Fund Membership / Reference Number from the import file.
If the Mapper record includes an SGC Rule code, the update will add the SGC Rule to the Superannuation screen and also add the associated A/D code from the SGC Rule configuration to the employee's Allow/Deduct screen including the Recipient Code and the employee's Fund Membership / Reference Number from the import file.
Before or After Tax employee contributions using $ or % based calculations.

A new screen validation has been added to Leave Accrual Method screen for Anniversary Branch. This new validation identifies whether the leave accrual methods are correctly configured with Anniversary Branch against the Period No. This validation ensures that the:
Anniversary Branch must not be equal to the Period No;
User is informed of the action to take (i.e. update the Period No).
The same validation has been applied in the corresponding Mapper (M000041) and Leave Calculation program, ensuring that incorrectly configured data are skipped. If a given customer database has incorrect combination of data recorded for Anniversary Branch and Period No, the Leave Calculation program skips the incorrect records and outputs a validation message to the exception report. Similarly, if any incorrect combination of data (Anniversary Branch vs Period No) has been imported using the corresponding Mapper, a validation message will be made available in the mapper report.

The entries on Leave History screen are now by default sorted from the latest Leave Start Date. This saves you effort to sort them by date every time you come to this screen.
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This new feature has been posted as an Idea: Leave History screen should auto sort by date not leave type on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.02. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

To align the Tax File Number Declaration screen with the ATO specifications, several updates have been completed:
The Higher Education Loan Program field has been renamed to Student and Training Loans (STSL).
A new field Personal Email Address has been added. This is a read-only field which value is taken from the Personal Details screen.
Fields have been hidden from screen:
Hire Date
Senior Tax Offset Claimed
Rebates Family Tax Amount
Student Financial Supplement Scheme
Use of TFN for Superannuation
Superannuation/ Annuity Rebate
Button SBR
The Sent Method and Verification columns have been hidden from the Sent History browselist.
This enhancement does not affect the Mapper and Extractor.

The following reports have been updated to display all relevant error messages at once upon Year End processing. This enables you to view all error messages in one view without having to run another process for a different error message.
PAY26ERR - Payment Summary Error Report for all Payment Summary Types
PAY26IP - Payment Summary Reconciliation for Individual Non-Business
PAY26LP - Payment Summary Reconciliation for Business and Personal Services Income
PAY26FP - Payment Summary Reconciliation for Foreign Employment
PAY26EP - Payment Summary Reconciliation for Eligible Termination Payments
Note: For reports which are currently grouped by Payment Summary Type, Employee ID, etc., the messages will be grouped and displayed under the correct employee

When the Year End Reconciliation runs validation rules against employees, a number of validations will be ignored so that employees being finalized via STP are exempted from PSAR Validation rules. This allows STP employees with warning/errors to be exempted from the Payment Summary Reports. The validations which are skipped for employees finalised via STP include:
Employees' name
Employees' address (Street Name, City/Suburb, Address Line 3)

The Source of Change associated to Hours and A/D transactions in Timecard Cost History (TCOSTH File) has been updated to include specific information for records imported into the Payrun, to easily differentiate these from any manually entered records. The new Source of Change identifiers include MAPPER, ESS, and PAY43T. This information can be reported over in Extractor via Administration > Earnings > Timecard Cost History.
Below is a table to represent the primary sources you may see and their corresponding sources:
Source |
Extractor: Timecard Cost History Field Name: Source of Change |
Manual data entry | TIME CARDS |
Import via Mapper M000471 Inbound Integration - M000471 T/A Import - M000471 |
Import Self Service Transactions to Payroll | ESS |
T/A Import - PAY34T (in non-TIME database) T/A Import - PAY34T (in TIME database) |
Export to Payroll | TIME |
Release Retro transactions | RETRO PAYP |
System Management

You can now efficiently create new Country Codes with Description following the ISO Standards. An ISO Code field has been added to the Country Codes screen, providing the flexibility in creating and using Country Codes while keeping in compliance with STP 2 Reporting, and ensuring that the selected Country Codes in the employees and employers’ records are the codes supported by ISO.
Adding this new ISO Code field reduces the chance of incorrect or unintentional mapping of the Country Code to another country's Description/Name. Likewise, this identifies existing Country Codes which may be wrongly configured against ISO Standards.
Note: For existing Country Codes, the new field shall be defaulted with a value based on what Preceda has been sending to the ATO via STP reporting.
All the Country Codes interpreted by ATO are listed in this new ISO Code prompt field.
This is an optional field. However, there is a new STP Health Check which highlights Country Codes with an invalid/empty ISO Code.
A description of the ISO Code is displayed once the field is populated.
Hovering over the information icon displays this note: "ATO only accepts two letter codes. When the ISO Code used for employees with Foreign Employment Income (FEI), if they work for 2 different Host Countries in the same Financial Year, Terminate & Reinstate the employees instead of re-mapping the ISO Code."
A new mapper (M000016AU) is introduced for Australia databases with a new field ISO Code. If the global mapper (M000016) is uploaded to an Australia database, the ISO Code is auto filled while it does nothing when uploaded to non-Australia databases.
The new field is also added to the Extractor.
New items under the Single Touch Payroll Configuration section have been added to both the Single Touch Payroll Health Check and System Health Check to capture any invalid/ missing Country Code records as well as unexpected County Code Description.

The Selection Criteria screen, commonly used in TIME processes, has been enhanced enabling the selection of up to 10 Pay Period Rules. This will save you effort in running the process more than once just to accommodate employees associated with different Pay Period Rules. This update applies to all screens containing the Selection Criteria such as:
Absentee Report | Headcount Report | Time Cards Report |
Absentee History Report | On Premises Report | Time Card History Report |
Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation Wizard | Pay Period Recalculation | Time Monitor Report |
Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard | Post Times | Time Monitor Update |
Budget vs Actual Report | Post Times - No Roll | Total Hours History Report |
Budget vs Actual History Report | Pre Post Time Report | Total Hours Report |
Consecutive Days Off Report | Primary Roster Export | Unachieved Shift Break Report |
Coverage Report | Punch Detail History Report | Wage Analysis History Report |
Create Bulk Entry of Time | Punch Detail Report Selection | Wage Analysis Report |
Employee Master Report | Reverse Posted Times | Weekly Roster Report |
Expanded Labour Analysis History Report | Rostered Not Clocked In Report | Weekly Transfer Roster Report |
Expanded Labour Analysis Report | Split Shift Report | Work Pattern Roster Copy |

A Date / Time (To) field has been added on the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation Wizard > Selection Criteria screen. This is introduced to address the need of reconciling an employee up to a Period End that is different from their latest Period End. This could be most relevant when employees have been moved off from an Annualised Salary clause but reconciliation was missed before further payruns are closed.
The Date / Time (To) is editable and optional. When left blank, the process will reconcile employees up to their latest Period End on or before their Due Date.
When a To Date value has been provided, the processing will run on the date range from the employee's Annualised Salary Review Start Date, reconciling up to the latest Period End Date on or prior to an earlier value between these two:
Employee's Reconciliation Due Date -1; or
The To Date specified.
The calculated result will be passed on to the Payment Wizard for further processing as it happens now. This option is only relevant when you run the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation Wizard manually (i.e. the reports auto-generated upon Payrun Close are not affected by the setups here).
Corrective Maintenance
The following Defects have now been addressed and resolved successfully.

Updating an employee's Base Hours (e.g. from 38hrs/week to 22.4hrs/week) will trigger an update to the Employee FTE Hours Per Week and FTE Hours per Week. This would happen when the Program Control FTE Full Time Equivalents Positions 14 and 16 have been configured to Y and O, respectively:
Calculate FTE - Calculation of Employee FTE will be performed by the system and the Employee FTE field is read-only.
Override the value for Employee FTE Hours per Week with Employee Base Hours.

The Gender field on the Personal screen now correctly uses and displays the Code in the input field instead of the Description.

For clients who use "Hire with Search" to hire new employees, the Income Stream Type and STP Employment Basis were not properly captured. This has now been fixed to restore the values for Income Stream Type and also Tax Treatment Codes.
For STP Employment Basis, clients need to leverage the STP Health Check and provide values before activating for STP 2. The issue does not impact the standard Hire Wizard or Mapper.

The pro rata (i.e. current and last year's pro rata) and remaining balance values for pending leave applications are now being displayed correctly on My Leave and Review Leave Application screen.

Entering a value of '99999.9999' as rate for an A/D on the Entry via Single Screen now correctly displays '0.00' on the Time Card Entry Report, properly considering it as an override of zero instead of rounding the value.

The calculation in Express Pay Wizard and Termination Wizard now includes the correct calculation of the Allowance/Deduction rates, which is equivalent to difference between Contract Amount and Contract Paid Amount.

Self Service Transactions from payroll are now successfully cleared when resetting payrun and canceling leave, ensuring that the cancelled leave is not included in the employee payment.

When using the Bulk Pay slip Options Update, only the selected employees (i.e. submitted for a specific Company for a specific Pay slip Type and Pay slip Delivery Method) are now correctly being updated and reflected in the report. This no longer includes all employees, unless specified, and properly referencing the Selection Criteria for an accurate reporting.

The extra records which Preceda issues is no longer double calculated when updating Gross, Tax, & Net, regardless of deductions or allowances so that the balancing record will still remain, and no out of balance occurs on the Payroll File Master Control Report (PAY12PRT).

The prorated Worked Hours are now rounded correctly before and after having Effective Date changes, (i.e. when generating retro with an effective dated costing change).

The Pay Rate for Position 23 is now picked up successfully when referenced in Hours Type Codes and elsewhere, confirming the proper pay rate being retrieved for the correct overtime calculation and payment.

LSL accruals are now accruing correctly (i.e. when using Unit Type = Weeks or run Fortnightly). The leave accrual value is properly being rounded off to five decimal places before getting truncated.

You can now successfully process Time Card Edit Print without any message wait (i.e. an error that required assistance from the Support Team to resolve) occurring.

The Salary Review Report, with Salary Package calculation Based on Salary Review Package Component, can now be processed with any error. Likewise, the employees in the report are complete and with correct details.

The Salary Review and import process have been fixed so that the Gross for Super Package Components are now correct when implementing a change via Import Salary Review.
Reporting Tools

You can now run the package successfully without any error message occurring on Console > Distribute - Spoolfiles, after the package is selected and distribution is run/modified.

You can now successfully create a Report Manager Package with Extract Task that has Run Time Parameters without any issues.
System Management

Only employees who are reported in the current Financial Year via STP or PSAR are now included in the Year End Reconciliation process, avoiding any error and no longer holding up the integration. Any employees terminated with zero YTD figures and with all E018 flags set to blank no longer appears on the PSAR report.
Version 15.8.01

The Australian and New Zealand governments have recently announced the new gender standards for 2021, stating the variables that should be used when collecting gender information.
As part of Ceridian's commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, as well as for compliance, the gender variables to be used in Preceda is updated to match the latest guidelines.
The new gender descriptions and code available are as follows:
Australia (AU)
* Reference: ABS - Standard for Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables, 2020
Gender Descriptions | Code |
Male | M |
Female | F |
Non-binary | X |
Different Term | T |
Prefer not to answer | Z |
New Zealand (NZ)
* Reference: StatsNZ - Statistical standard for gender, sex, and variations of sex characteristics, 2021
Gender Descriptions | Code |
Male | M |
Female | F |
Non-binary | X |
Different Term | T |
Prefer not to answer | Z |
Screens Update
Two (2) new fields, namely Preferred Gender Identity and Preferred Pronouns, are added to the following relevant Preceda screens where gender is often maintained:
Dependants (only Preferred Gender Identity field is added)
My Details (Preceda Mobile)
Below describes the newly added fields:
Preferred Gender Identity - this field will only be visible and editable when the user's chosen Gender is Different Term (T) for AU/ Another Gender (T) for NZ.
Preferred Pronouns - this is an optional field. Gender pronouns are the terms people choose to refer to themselves that reflect their gender identify (i.e., he/him, she/her, they/them). If provided with a value, it will reflect on the Business Card in Notifications and via Entry Via Single Screen (EvSS).
Extractor Updates
The corresponding extractors of the relevant Preceda screens were also updated to include the new fields.
Additionally, in the Dependants extractor, the first Gender label field has been renamed to Gender Desc.
Mappers Updates
The following Mappers have been updated to add the new fields with their respective validations:
Hire Mapper (M999777, M999777BK, M999777NZ, M999777NZBK)
Personal Details Mapper (M000211, M000211NZ)
Dependants Mapper (M000114)
Applicant Register (M000172) - for this mapper, the Create access right was removed
Notably, the 2 new fields are optional, so they will not affect the existing mapper templates.
Reports Updates
These reports display a breakdown of Gender and has been updated to include all new gender options:
Reconciliation Payrun Group
PTD Reconciliation
YTD Figures - Active Employees
YTD Figures - All Employees
Personnel History Record
![]() |
This new feature has been posted as Ideas (see below list of Ideas with links) on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.01. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |

With the acquisition of Ascender by Ceridian we now have an integration between Preceda and Dayforce, Ceridian's flagship HCM Product so you can take advantage of both Ceridian offerings.
The integrated experience is as follows:
The Payroll Experience - Preceda will continue to be used for payroll processing. All the payroll processing features currently being used, e.g. One Step Processes, Health Checks, Payroll Dashboard, will still be available in Preceda to help you effectively run your pay.
The Employee, Manager and HR Experience - Dayforce can be used for combining the Employee and Manager experience into one interface. It can include everything from leave applications and approvals, time sheets, HR functions and more. From the HR Admin perspective, this covers the entire cycle from recruitment to succession planning.
The information from the key activities conducted in Dayforce will flow into Preceda, as required for payroll processing, thereby creating a one-stop shop integrated solution for all HR and Payroll needs between the two interfaces.
Below is the list of some key offerings available in the Dayforce and Preceda:
If you are interested in learning more about this integration for your organisation, please reach out to your Account Executive.

The Company Bank Details screen has now been updated to support multiple bank file formats for customers in Australia and New Zealand. This change introduces a Bank File Format field used to identify the unique banking requirements for each Company and Payrun Group combination. The file formats available will include the existing global bank formats as well as the standard ABA file for Australia, and some of the existing formats available via Program Control PAY64 for New Zealand. All references to Preceda Variable *PP_BANK_FILE_METHOD have new been removed, allowing for local bank formats and global bank formats to both be available to customers in the same database.
Other specific changes to the Company Bank Details screen that has been implemented are the following:
The Payrun Group field and the Bank Files Format field (previously Company Bank File Output Code) are moved to the top of the screen.
Quick Search and Advanced Searchnow include searching by Payrun Group.
New options are added to the Bank File Format field:
For AU, the ABA option has been added for the Australian ABA File; a separate Group Box for all ABA fields is now available, only requiring these fields to be updated when using this format:
The Company Bank Account Information Group Box has been introduced, with some field labels updated:
Company BSB Number (for AU) / Company Bank Key (for NZ) field is now changed to BSB Number
Company Bank Number is now changed to Account Number
The Additional Bank File Information Group Box has been introduced, with some field labels updated:
All Additional Bank Details fields have been changed to simply Additional Details (i.e, Additional Details 1)
Description of Entries is now changed to Additional Details 3
Moreover, in the EFT Processing screen for AU, the Bank Type field is now only visible and relevant when the selected Bank File Format = ABA. While for NZ, the field is removed and no longer available.

Currently there could be small differences between YTD Reconciliation and YTD Integrity Report values displayed on Year to Date Status screen. That is due to employees with earnings/gross greater than (>) $0 and less than (<) $1 not included in Year End Reconciliation process.
To improve this, these employees will be included as part of Year End Reconciliation process. They will only be excluded when generating Payment Summaries if the employees are finalized through PSAR.

The displayed value for Study & Training Support Loans (STSL) on the pay slip of employees who receive a One Time Payment (OTP) has been improved to be more coherent. The pay slip now reflects a better split between the Tax and STSL Tax amounts. Notably, the total tax deducted is not affected.

A new global Bank File Format has been implemented to generate Australian EFT files in the Citibank Paylink (GDFF) format.
To generate bank files for Citibank Paylink the Bank File Format will need to be set to CITIBKPLAU on the required Company Bank Details records.
The file format for the Citibank Paylink AU is a plain text file (TXT) that uses (carriage return and) line feed characters to distinguish between lines. It contains one record for each Bank Deposit with each record represented by one line in the file. The fields in each record are separated by (@).
Organisational Management

The 'Use this level' concept has now been introduced to the Costing Defaults. It is a checkbox on the screen and a Y/N via mapper (M000087). It enables the flexibility at each Cost Level to determine whether an employee's existing Cost Level information should be affected at all if Costing Defaults is applied in a position change.
There can be three (3) combinations to a Cost Level when defining a Costing Defaults. Below explains what each combination means to an employee in their position change:
Use this level | Cost Level | When Costing Defaults is used in Position Change |
Ticked / Y | With value | Use this value |
Ticked / Y | Blank | Clear out existing if any |
Unticked / N | Blank | Retain existing if any |
Use this level | Cost Level | Example | When Costing Defaults is used in Position Change |
Ticked / Y | With value |
State Cost Centre |
Result: SA Result: LJTRAVEL |
Ticked / Y | Blank | Account Department |
Result: blank Result: blank |
Unticked / N | Blank | Location Wage Groups |
Result: retained existing Result: retained existing |
The 'Use this level' flag is not relevant to Cost Level 1, because this Cost Level 1 is not affected by position change anyway. Similarly, it is not relevant to Job Title either.
All existing Costing Defaults will be updated as below:
Cost Level (in 15.8.00) | Use this Level (in 15.8.01) | Cost Level (in 15.8.01) |
With value | Ticked / Y | With value |
Blank | Unticked / N | Blank |
Adjustments might be needed before you apply them to the next position change.
Mapper and Extractor Updates
A new mapper (M000087) for Costing Defaults has been introduced.
Extractor is updated accordingly to include the new 'Level x Used' fields.
![]() |
This new feature has been posted as an Idea: Add Mapper for Costing Defaults M000087 on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.01. To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |
System Management

With the Ceridian acquisition of Ascender, Preceda Desktop and Mobile's look and feel has now been updated to the Ceridian branding and theme.
Preceda Desktop Logon page:
The new log in experience applies to ALL Users.
The new experience after log in takes effect automatically ONLY for users:
Not using customised themes;
Not associated with Group Profiles; OR
Who are associated with Group Profiles,
AND Group Profile -> Theme Name = blank
OR Group Profile -> Theme Name = PRECEDA ASCENDER (in 15.8.00).
Users who are associated with Group Profiles AND Group Profile -> Theme Name in below image will notice the Company Logo being changed to Ceridian Preceda.
Preceda Desktop's new Default look (i.e. updated menu background colour, new Ceridian Preceda logo, blue and grey theme):
Preceda Mobile colours and logo have also been updated to Ceridian Preceda.
Preceda's Online Help, the Knowledge Base (KB), has also been rebranded to the Ceridian look and feel.
Please note that the KB Toolbars are now within the KB Page's content section, and all are left aligned.
Corrective Maintenance
The following Defects have now been addressed and resolved successfully.

Company Transfer is updated to handle bulk transfers that involve changes in more than 1 level, e.g. Cost Level 1 + Payrun Group.

Bank Details Mapper M000656A will no longer create orphaned or incomplete Net Pay bank details for employees who have not yet been hired in Preceda.

Bank Details Mappers M000656* will be processed normally even if no employee in the database has any Allow/Deduct records - usually the case when implementing a new database.

When STP was submitted, some employees were rejected with error messages from ATO related to Income Stream Type being missing. This has now been fixed to ensure that Income Stream Type are correctly populated/defaulted in the PAYSTC file.

Saving changes in Classification screen no longer produces an error message. Changes are now saved successfully.

When extracting Security Profiles in the Extractor, the generated report will now contain the correct data using the selected/saved preferences.

When using the Google Chrome browser, resizing the drilldown windows of Position Structure and Position Occupants in Org Units screen (M001646) no longer produces any Yikes or script error.

Auto Pay Contra Reversal Transactions are now correctly generated, unless suppressed, when a leave record dated prior to the current Pay Period has a Costing Date after the Employee's Paid Up to Date (PUTD).

ETP Tax calculation is now corrected to ensure that when working out the concession/non-concession part in an ETP payment, OTP payment is reduced from the whole-of-income cap.

When program control PAY34 position 26 = Y, and there are some employees with Prepay / Rebank in the Payrun Group specified in the Payrun Header, just that these employees' Pay Frequency is not included in the Payrun Header, EFT Bank File can be created without disruption.

Tax calculations from the Termination Wizard are now correctly passed to the payrun when transactions from Entry via Single Screen including results from Retro Pay were imported into the Termination Wizard.

Leave Reason records are now generated as expected for terminated employees, as well as for active employees that will not be paid again in the financial year.

Since Preceda does not support making Adjustment Payment upon pre-payments, any pre-payment earnings history entries are no longer available in the Select Earnings History prompt on the Selection screen in Express Pay Wizard.

Occupants Report process is updated to complete normally even if no employee would be found in the specified date range.

When an Hours Type Code with Classification 'O' Other Leave has a payment made against it and a Leave Reason, configured with STP Payment Type of Gross or Overtime, the payment was incorrectly reported as Leave. This has now been fixed to ensure that these payments are reported correctly depending on the Leave Reason selected:
If the Leave Reason is configured with STP Payment Type = Gross, payment is reported as Gross
If the Leave Reason is configured with STP Payment Type = Overtime, payment is reported as Overtime

Retro Pay now generates results as expected, even when changes have been made to other employee standard A/D records that are not flagged for inclusion in the Retro Pay calculations.

The Tax Weeks Override value is now referenced and displayed correctly in Tax Weeks Used in Calculated Payment drilldown when Post Data from Time checkbox is ticked in Express Pay and Termination Wizard.

Drilldowns on the Termination Pending screen are corrected to display employee data. Users should be able to drilldown to each pending termination, review it and approve it from this screen as usual.

The Total Tax column in PAYG Tax Report now displays the correct value each Period End Date.

When hour and minutes is chosen for Elapsed Time Format on the Time Configuration screen, the Total Distribution of Hours is now correctly calculated upon save. It is now correctly reflected against the values displayed in the drilldown of Time Editor > Total Hours to be Distributed.

Some punches for a few employees were loading as read-only preventing it to be approved or edited. This has now been fixed to ensure that punches in Time Editor are not being greyed out when user inserts a punch via Insert Punch button on Time Editor Screen and importing Transactions.csv file using Preceda Connector.
Version 15.8.00

From the latest ATO PSAR Document, Payment Summary Type J and TFN '987654321' are no longer accepted via PSAR Reporting, applicable for 2021 financial year and onwards. Below updates have been implemented to cater for the legislation change:
Hiring employees with a Payment Summary Type J is no longer supported. Hire Wizard / Hire Mapper (M999777, M999777BK) are updated accordingly.
Updating existing employees' Tax Information to use Payment Summary Type J is no longer supported. Tax Information screen / Tax Information Mapper (M000313) are updated accordingly.
The Year End Reconciliation process is updated to produce errors if an employee included has a Payment Summary Type of J.
The same process is updated to produce errors if an employee included has a TFN of '987654321'.
STP Health Check screen is updated to report employees with TFN of '987654321'.

To assist customers and the support team with investigating issues related to an employee's leave balance and calculations within G/L Leave Liability Movement, changes made in the Employee Leave Entitlements (PEPACC) file, via the following actions, are now captured in the Employee Audit Log (A001):
Updates to the Leave Entitlements via screen
Updates to Leave Entitlements via Mapper M000657
New Hire via Hire Wizard with Leave Entitlements added manually
New Hire via Hire Wizard with Leave Entitlements added via Position via Leave Defaults
New Hire via Hire Mappers (M999777, M999777BK, M999777NZ, M999777NZBK, M999777PH, M999777PHBK) with Leave Entitlements added via Position with Leave Defaults
Position change to a Position with Leave Defaults via screen
Position change to a Position with Leave Defaults via Mapper M000222E
Note, however, changes made to the Leave Entitlements via the following actions will NOT be captured in the Employee Audit Log (A001):

The Issued Date and Expiry Date fields on both Passport Details and Lic/Reg Summary screens have been updated to allow users to input the correct year using the dd/MM/yyyy (i.e. 01/01/2035) format instead of the previous dd/MM/yy (i.e. 01/01/35) format.

The Print Preview option is now made available for more Preceda screens and drilldowns. If the feature is not in the menu bar, access it via Tools > Print Preview.
A few screens you may feel interested in:
Time Editor (T000002)
Review Retro Pay (M001692)
Retro Entry via Single Screen (M001737)
Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment > Calculation Options (T000216)
Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment > Review Calculation Selected (T000217)

Preceda is updated to support running Crystal Report on non-ActiveX browsers. This means browsers other than IE can also be used to run Extractor Crystal Report.
In non-ActiveX browsers, Extractor has been updated to cater for this:
In non-ActiveX browsers, Console has also been updated to allow downloading Crystal format datafiles. If such a file is available, you may download it by clicking the View button.

51982, 62710
The following changes have been applied to complete the STP Phase 2 requirements. The updated STP Configuration Guide can be referenced for detailed information and the release Webinar for V15.8.00 should be watched for further overview (recording now available in Release Centre V15.8.00).
Item | Updates |
Tax & Rounding | New field for Lump Sum W and regrouped fields for a more modernized screen |
Tax Information | New Tax Code 8 for Foreign Employment Income (FEI) and Working Holiday Maker (WHM) |
Tax Tables | Introduced Tax Code 8 - to support 45% rate for Foreign Residents 4b Retired Tax Code 7 - employees moved to Tax Code 2 |
Tax Code Update Process | Bulk Tax Code Update includes Tax Code 8 (i.e. looks for employees configured with TFN 000000000 for 28 days or more, and changes Tax Code to either 4 or 8 depending on their Payment Summary Type) |
Payrun Dashboard & Message | STP-related messages have been added to streamline the STP exception troubleshooting. |
STP2 Submission Report | The new report called Spoolfile PRP528PRT only shows employee YTD reportable figures if they are non-zero, which will dramatically reduce the size of the report and make it more usable. Totals are now included once STP2 is activated. |
STP Phase 2 Exceptions Report | There are a number of new and different exceptions that will be reported for STP Phase 2 once activated. |
Single Touch Payroll Submission - Message ID | The unique Message ID is now available on Single Touch Payroll Submission screen's Submission Summary section as well as in the CSV file. The Message ID is now easily linked to a clients STP submission event so the Preceda Support can quickly identify which STP event an issue relates to, while working with the ATO in e.g. troubleshooting the issue. |
STP Summary History | Updated Layouts for both STP Summary and STP Summary History drilldown when finalising under STP2 after activation |
STP Payment Type | New STP Payment Type has been created: Salary Sacrifice - Superannuation & RESC Allow/Deduct Classifications U, V & W. New ATO Other Category for JOBKEEPER added. |
Lump Sum Payments | Lump Sum E and the new Lump Sum W that required legislation updates to ensure taxation is correct (Lump Sum A, B) have all been updated. |
STP Phase 2 reporting is mandated from 1 January 2022. However, the ATO provided a blanket statement saying that if you start reporting by 1 March 2022 then they will consider you as reporting on time.
Please use the Single Touch Payroll Health Check screen as the guide to cleanse data.
Cleanse your data, flag yourself as 'I am ready for STP2' on the Single Touch Payroll Configuration screen, and then let us contact you when is the right time to activate depending on your pay cycle.

The Release Express Payments extractor is updated to report over the values calculated in the Wizard.
New fields added: Hours Value, A/D Value.
Existing fields relabeled: Leave Unit to Leave Units, A/D Unit to A/D Units.
Some fields are repositioned.

You may now use the Global ID fields of the User Fields screen for PDF file naming in the Pay Slips - Collection Folder process instead of the Preceda Employee ID.
To support this, Preceda Variable *PAYSLIP_COLLECT now has an additional Position 4 to capture the field ID from the Global ID file, which will be used instead of the Preceda Employee ID in saving and naming the PDF. Position 4 has six options:
Leaving Position 4 blank, the Employee ID will continue to be used.
Option 1 uses Global ID 01, if given, as the value for first component of the name of a PDF pay slip instead of the Employee ID.
Option 2 uses Global ID 02, if given, as the value for first component of the name of a PDF pay slip instead of the Employee ID.
Option 3 uses Global ID 03, if given, as the value for first component of the name of a PDF pay slip instead of the Employee ID.
Option 4 uses Global ID 04, if given, as the value for first component of the name of a PDF pay slip instead of the Employee ID.
Option 5 uses the Single Sign-On ID, if given, as the value for first component of the name of a PDF pay slip instead of the Employee ID.
Organisational Management

The Payroll Defaults screen has been updated for all countries to improve user experience by grouping relevant fields to group boxes.
Meanwhile, a new field STP Employment Basis is added to both the Payroll Defaults screen and the Mapper Hire Defaults screen for Australia. This is to assist with capturing information for Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 reporting.
A new field Employment Status is added to the same screens for Philippines.
![]() |
This new feature has been posted as an Idea on Preceda Community and has successfully made it into Preceda V15.8.00 To access the links, make sure you are logged in to Preceda Community. |
Corrective Maintenance
The following Defects have now been addressed and resolved successfully.

Certifications Obtained screen has been updated to display employee's certifications only once.
If an employee has been associated with the same Certification in multiple ways (e.g. via two or more Positions or Groups) a tooltip will appear in the newly introduced Associations column to indicate this.

Termination processes have been updated to ensure that Change Reasons on employee's salary, payment details, etc. are retained after termination.

Applying for leave via My Leave and Leave by Proxy will no longer freeze when the Hours Away or Public Holiday Hours Away is greater than the scheduled working hours.

In the Report Manager, the newly added and saved subscriber is now retained and displays the correct details upon reopening. When the newly added subscriber is searched, the correct details will also be displayed.

When extracting Security Profiles in the Extractor, the generated report will now contain the correct data using the selected/saved preferences.

The icons on the Review Leave Application screen will now correctly display the icon itself, instead of showing the text.

Preceda Mobile has been updated to allow entering the decimal separator or dot (.) in iOS devices. This update has been implemented when entering hours on the following:
Hours Away and Public Holiday hours away fields on My Leave screen
Hours field on My Time

Due to large spool file creation, a Message Wait occurred for some of Report Generating Programs when processed. This has now been fixed by increasing the limit size for spool creation to a maximum record of 2000000 for the following reports:
G/L Posting PDT File Report
Retrospective Pay Report
Maintenance Audit Report
Bulk Pay slip Options Update

Two alert templates Missing Time Record and Unapproved Time have been updated to ensure the results are correct. For the Missing Time Records Alert, employees will only be reported if there is genuinely no time record found per a scheduled day. Meanwhile for the Unapproved Time Records Alert, Total Unapproved Hours should be correct in all circumstances.

In the Report Manager, submitted single run scheduled jobs or packages can now be deleted via Preceda Console under Extract Jobs.

Making an amendment on a terminated employee in a previous financial year will no longer trigger that employee to be included in the current financial year STP Pay Event Reporting.

Tax calculation is updated to produce the correct average gross pay amount when Normal Gross Calculation Method is set to Code A (using average since the start of the financial year) via Tax & Rounding screen. To be more specific, it now works out the earnings history to include by checking the Payment Date within the financial year.

There was a specific scenario where employee’s Status is cleared after resetting payrun. Correction is made to ensure employee’s Status will no longer be cleared unexpectedly.

The updated Pay Frequency will now be correctly reflected in the Gross Pay Report and Gross Pay Report with Variances for employees with multiple and/or other versions.

When Program Control (PAY42) Position 23 is not set to 'C', Preceda will calculate the average weekly pay using YTD and current pay values for Gross and tax weeks. To improve overall accuracy of calculated OTP tax for the current Pay run, following changes have been made:
When working out number of YTD tax weeks & current pay run tax weeks, if there are a off-cycle & normal pay run with the same period end date & their payment dates are in the same financial year, Preceda will ignore the tax-weeks of the off-cycle pay run.

The General Ledger now generates the correct posting transactions, based on the setting of Position 25 of Program Control LVACC, when employee changes Costing Splits without other changes to the Standard Costings; thus, the correct Leave Liability Movement values are now also displayed for employees.

When running a payrun process up to Masterfile Update Complete for Success Factors, the employees' Preceda ID numbers were incomplete as the leading zeroes were dropped in the generated Manifest file. This has now been corrected to ensure that the full Preceda ID numbers are populated in the first column of the Success Factors Manifest file.

effectively reset all eligible ATO ESS Files. By default, the process resets ATO ESS Files that are not yet downloaded. You will have the option, if applicable, to also include ATO ESS Files that have been downloaded in a reset. Just in case any downloaded files have been sent to ATO, please make sure that you create amendments for the relevant Statements before including them in a reset.
The Employee Share Scheme Statement History screen, Mapper (M001628) and Extractor have been updated accordingly to accommodate the new Status.

The total Payer Gross and Payer Tax in the STP Report are now being reported correctly and no longer overstated. The Employer Payroll Gross and Employer Total Tax Withheld on the STP Submission screen, in the STP XML file as well as in the STP Report all display the correct values (i.e. if it is negative or positive).

The A/D codes with classification Notional Benefit can now be mapped to the STP Payment Type "Excluded from STP Reporting" (EXC). Once STP Phase 2 is activated, mapped Notional Benefit A/D codes will not be included in the STP Exception report.

The STP Payment Type field of the Allow/Deduct Codes screen, when enabled for Classification Y and Year End Print Flag 0, now shows and accepts the same valid entries with Classification 1 and Year End Print Flag 0:
Award transport payments
Task Allowances
Bonuses and Commissions
Directors Fees
Paid Parental Leave

If there is any leave application with zero Outstanding Hours included in the Import Self Service Transactions to Payroll process, the process will run correctly without creating additional Public Holiday records.

The user's preference of display (ticked or unticked) for the columns Year-End Print Flag and Year-End Print Flag Descriptions are now correctly saved and will be reflected accordingly to the main screen and drilldown of Entry via Single Screen (EvSS) and Pay Enquiry.

Year End Finalisation now processes the STP Summary History record correctly for users who have a Security Profile. The Criteria selection option of the Year End Finalisation screen has been corrected to ensure that all valid employees who meet the criteria are successfully included in the process.
Criteria selection used - All employees who meet the criteria are included in the process, even those who are outside of the Security Profile of the user.
Employee option used - Prompt list is filtered by Security Profile, so user can only select and run the process for employees within their Security Profile

In the Daily Interpreter Rules, when using Source Type Total Hours Worked with a set From and To Time, the Meal Break is incorrectly deducted from the calculation even if the employee did not have any hours during that time. This has now been fixed to ensure that if the Meal Break start time falls outside the time range of the Total Hours Worked rule, no meal break deduction would apply.

When drilling down and making a change in the Individual Primary Rosters screen, the Roll Roster field now retains its new value upon save. It will no longer revert to the default value for the employee.

The Roll Rosters field on Time Details is now corrected and changed to a prompt field instead of a checkbox. The available options for this prompt field are:
N - Do not roll any primary roster information forward
T - Roll rostered transfers IN ADDITION to the primary
Y - Roll ONLY the primary roster forward

The Group Approval screen has been corrected to ensure terminated employees' unposted Prior Period Hours will not affect the calculation of Prior Period Hours for the next active employee.